Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Catholic Clergy Call on YouTube to Remove Offensive Videos

Contact: Rev. Fr. John Trigilio, Jr., President, Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, 717-957-2662

HARRISBURG, Penn., Sept. 30 /Christian Newswire/ --

The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy requests that YouTube immediately remove all videos depicting the desecration of Catholic hosts (consecrated wafers of bread used in sacred worship).


Currently, forty videos are online showing the blasphemous sacrilege against the Most Holy Eucharist (also known as the Blessed Sacrament). We urge YouTube to show the same respect and decency it recently extended to our Jewish brothers and sisters when a similar incident occurred that greatly offended the children of Abraham.

YouTube recently removed a video showing a teenager urinating on the Holocaust memorial in Greece. It was taken down on August 27th, 2008, after five days of protests from Jewish communities around the world.

Sadly, the same response has not been extended to Catholic Christians as the offensive videos showing desecration of the Eucharist have been up for more than two months. One of these forty videos shows a host being flushed down the toilet.

Another video shows someone literally absconding from a Catholic Mass with a Host in his possession. The ease with which persons can take Holy Communion since the option to receive in the hand was introduced in the late 20th century, and the subsequent acts of desecration and sacrilege, make it paramount that our bishops seriously consider revoking this method.

Restricting reception to Communion on the tongue and disallowing in the Hand is but one possible remedy.

Frequent Eucharistic Holy Hours with Benediction will also be of great assistance and encouragement. Voluntary expansion of the Eucharistic fast from one hour to three hours before receiving Holy Communion is another help.

Greater reverence for the Blessed Sacrament will be enhanced not only by removing reception in the hand but also by encouraging kneeling as well. Placing the

Tabernacle back in the center of our church sanctuaries is another obvious sign of belief in the Real Presence.
We urge all our brother priests and deacons to be very conscious of our public acts of Latria (worship) of the Holy Eucharist as the real, true and substantial Body & Blood, Soul & Divinity of Christ.

The attention, reverence and devotion we show to Blessed Sacrament as its ordinary ministers will only inspire our people to aspire to emulate our love for Jesus in this most sublime presence. We also pray for those poor souls who commit these vile acts of sacrilege and ask them to please stop.


Updates for the Saint Joseph Marriage Caravan...

Los Angeles, Yorba Linda, California


After attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we found a busy intersection in Yorba Linda near a shopping center. The caravan now has three new members: Mr. Matthew Shibler and his brother Michael and Mr. Jose Walter Ferraz.

Out of the blue, a gentleman stopped and volunteered to spend part of his Sunday evening holding one of our pro-traditional marriage banners. "I've known the American TFP for years," he said. "I visited your headquarters when it was located in Bedford, New York."

Water balloon ambush
Three college-age individuals ran out from behind the gas station to our rear and started lobbing water balloons as us.

As soon as we turned around and looked at them, they fled. Two of our members followed them with cameras and managed to photograph the license plate of their getaway car – a black Volkswagen bug – which they scrambled into as fast as they could. I don't think they expected to see two cameras flashing away.

A man who had watched the water balloon attack from the pump station, called out: "Did you get their license plate number? You need to bust those people. You got it… great!"

I reported the incident to a police officer patrolling the area. He made a report, tracked the address of the owner of the vehicle and made some phone calls to ensure it would not happen again.

A special thank you to all blog readers. Your constant prayers and support are making this caravan possible.
To send a message to the members of this caravan, write to studentaction@tfp.org.

This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it We would like to hear from you.

From the inbox:
Hi there fellow Catholics & TFP volunteers,
I was online reading all your daily encounters on your tour through California to rally support for traditional marriage. I am so happy to see your zeal for souls. I wish I could join you. I live in a small town in California named Blythe. I wanted to tell you that what you are doing is so important for mother Church. She needs all of our efforts, for us to fight as soldiers of Christ. I almost always end up in tears when I read about your encounters with people on the streets and in this country. Don't ever give up, YOU give me much hope.

This world (especially this country) needs these demonstrations defending MORALITY and defending CHRISTIANITY!!!! You will always encounter opposition; remember Jesus Christ was furiously opposed by those same blind fools, souls with hearts as hard as rocks and the saddest part is to see that they tread on the path to destruction. I see gay pride and I see the face of Satan surrounding it. I will always pray for you and your efforts. I think that GOD sees your most sincere intentions and He smiles upon you. He will always keep you safe. SAVE SOULS FOR CHRIST!!!!! The GOOD LORD will always assist us in defending His kingdom and perhaps you will touch a soul that will repent and have a true conversion. MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND MAKE HIS FACE SHINE UPON YOU!!!!!

How to Support the Caravan
If you wish to support this vital endeavor with a gift, please click below.
If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to TFP Student Action and mail it to:
TFP Student Action,
1358 Jefferson Rd.
Spring Grove, PA 17362.
We've already traveled over 3,000 miles for traditional marriage and it takes some $107.00 to fill our van's gas tank. Thank you for considering a gift to this cause. God bless you!
Financial Reports Notice

From Pomona, California 

After spending some time distributing pro-traditional marriage literature at the Los Angeles Fair in Pomona this morning, our campaign was cut short due to strict free speech regulations. The free speech area was a 5 x 5 white box and security guards were present at all times to make sure people stayed "inside the box."

Display of hatred against God
Mr. John Miller politely offered a flier to a man who reacted aggressively, uttering insults directly against God. "F--- your God!" he said. A bit startled, Mr. Miller could not believe what he was hearing, but the man repeated the blasphemy several times in a boisterous and vulgar tone. "Shame on you," said Mr. Miller, "it is not likely that you will repeat such offenses in the after life."

At the intersection
People were overwhelmingly supportive of traditional marriage during our rush hour campaign at the intersection on Towne Ave. One lady blew kisses to the TFP volunteers standing with signs on the sidewalks. Others applauded. It is also very common to see drivers give us two thumbs up.

In the evening TFP friends from Garden Grove, Los Angeles, kindly treated us to pizza.

Thank you for your support and please continue to storm Heaven with prayers so that traditional marriage and God's law will be respected and obeyed in America.
Saint Joseph, pray for us!

From the inbox:
"We can still win…"
I am a Protestant, but so excited by what you all are doing! If Christians everywhere will take a stand and make our voices heard, we WILL see change! God has a remnant and they are powerful! Just like Gideon's army—we can be outnumbered and still win the battles and eventually the war! I will keep you in my prayers.
-- Lisa
Heath, TX

"The Church is alive and well…"
God bless you young people. I'm now 82 so I only demonstrate with my prayers or my emails. You will know someday how many people were turned around by your witness. Surely God and His Holy Angels are with you. The Church is alive and well and we see it in you. You are all in my prayers.
-- Janice

"Praying and making sacrifices…"
We are e-mailing this around to many who care about our citizen rights as voters as well as the sanctity of marriage – a blessed Sacrament of the Church. And we will be praying and making sacrifices for you. Godspeed! Thank you for all that you do. Keep up the God work! Jesus, Mary we love you, save souls!
-- Elizabeth O.

"Daily prayers…"
Dear students,
May the Lord bless and keep you for your brave work for Him. You will be in my daily prayers.
-- Judi Lynk

"Passing out fliers"
Just wanted to let you know that, although I am a Mormon, I will be praying for your success. I, too, am passing out fliers to support traditional marriage, and my wife and I, and our 3 children, stood at a busy intersection for nearly 2 hours last week holding "One Man, One Woman" signs just as you are. I noticed that there aren't any new posts about your efforts on the tfp.org website past Sep 11th or 12th. Are you still going strong? Please post again to let us know of your current whereabouts. May God bless you.
-- Rod K.

A quick comment about the caravan and what it says about America. I am shocked! I have been following these blogs just recently with a mixture of fascination and horror that people are reacting with such hatred and violence to such a simple display of nonviolence and perfect modesty in public behavior (the members of the Saint Joseph Caravan). I have learned to focus on reactions of people as an indicator of underlying truth and the blasphemous behavior is sad and telling.
I want to tell you something that has distressed me of late. I underwent a conversion by the hand of the Blessed Mary to the Roman Catholic Faith this past December. The local parish I have been attending has taught me a lot of what is going on in the world of Roman Catholicism in America. You see, Our Mother rescued me from the cult of New Age. There is an information table in our foyer around the lobby of the small Chapel where I attend Mass during the week and people leave literature of all kinds. It was on this table, in fact, that I learned about America Needs Fatima and looked up your link. I have been taking Church position papers on warnings of New Age to leave for others and they are always swiftly destroyed. Of late, I was taking nice printouts of your Saint Joseph Caravan blogs from California and I found they, too, were quickly disappearing.
Douglas A.
Longmont, CO

Monday, September 29, 2008

Today we signed up our 3,359th rally captain for the Public Square Rosary...

Rally Captains Numbers Keep Rising!


    Today is the feast day of the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.  After morning Mass the priest blessed the congregation with a reliquary containing a rock from the cave where St. Michael the Archangel appeared. 

    Today the Holy Archangels have helped us to continue to sign up additional captains.  We signed up our 3,359th rally captain for the Public Square Rosary.  And we aren't stopping until the very end, so it still is not too late to to sign up!

     Call 866-584-6012 to sign up.

"Right on guys, right on! God is pleased with your work."

Defending marriage at Disneyland during "Gay Week"

As soon as he saw our sign, he smiled and exclaimed: "Right on guys, right on! God is pleased with your work."

Everyone crossing the intersection heard him. Some smiled in agreement. Others sneered or pretended not to notice our banners, although it is hard to miss an 18-foot banner and a 20-foot American flag on Hollywood Ave.

A mother with four young children passed Mr. Thomas Schnieder who was holding a sign. "What are they doing, Mom? Why are people honking?" "They are protecting marriage the way it's supposed to be," she said. "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and John. That's why people are honking."

Some time into the campaign, we found out that Disneyland was in the process of hosting a Disney "gay week" – not the best time to be in town. In fact, several police officers asked us to be careful and showed apprehension about the possibility of a pro-homosexual demonstration.

Violent Threat against TFP Volunteers

A heavy set man wearing a blue t-shirt and sun glasses paused at the crosswalk: "If I had the means, I would shoot you all right now," he said bluntly. He wasn't joking. His threat made me think of the message of Our Lady of Fatima when she mentioned how the Church would be persecuted.

We encounter people who explicitly say they would like to kill us for the Faith that we profess.

The image of the homosexual lifestyle crafted for popular consumption by the major media is a bold-face lie. The violent feelings, language, and behavior we've witnessed on the streets of California from those who endorse the homosexual lifestyle reveals a completely different reality which is not pretty, loving nor peaceful.

"Where I am from, same-sex 'marriage' is legal, and I am proud of it," said a woman from the UK. Then rudely putting her face about one inch away from Mr. Elias Bartel's nose, she screamed: "America is out of step! You need to get with it!!!"

As I stood, holding my sign, facing stopped cars at the light, a woman shook her head "no" in disapproval of traditional marriage, then put her hand in the shape of a gun, pointed her index finger at me and pretended to shoot me.

Favorable Reactions
"Can we join your demonstration?" asked a couple who spent some time with us, under our banner, defending traditional marriage.

Shortly thereafter, three young teenage girls said: "If we had cars we would honk the horn for you. We are too young to own cars." Then they started shouting: "Honk! Honk!" in support of our campaign.

A 7-year old boy had a similar reaction. Demonstrating his joy for the TFP campaign, he began honking: "Honk! Honk!" After a while, his parents told him it was time to continue visiting Disneyland. The boy objected: "No. I want to stay here with them (TFP volunteers).

Observing the campaign from a nearby park bench, a gentleman and his wife saluted Mr. Charles Sulzen, who asked: "Did you receive our flier, Sir?" Giving two thumbs up, he said, "Yes. I got two! Thank you."

Until next report, please continue to pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us!

From the inbox:
Good People of GOD,
I've just watched on my computer here in Wisconsin your visits in these California towns and you are certainly "of GOD"....As California often leads these entire 50 United States, your work there cannot be underestimated! Keep it up, with the grace of God, who is clearly your strength!
THANK YOU for your work, done in such a Catholic tradition of gentlemanly professionalism! I will certainly pray rosaries for your continued success at this critical time for our nation. May "One Nation, Under God," again take over our land!
You'll show us the way! Thanks again!!
T. J.
Middleton, WI

Saint Michael the Archangel and Navy Seal Michael Monsoor

“No Greater Love”

by Norman Fulkerson

Exactly three years ago to the day, Ramadi, Iraq was considered the most dangerous city on planet earth for American servicemen.

Michael Monsoor was there in the midst of it all. He was a member of the elite branch of the Navy called SEALS, which stands for SEa, Air and Land. On that day, he was on a rooftop over-watch in the most contested part of the city called the Ma’laab district. Positioned near the only exit, with an MK 48 machine gun in hand, he was providing security for two SEAL snipers who lay in prone positions on either side of him. Moments later a fragmentation grenade bounced off his chest and landed on the ground...

Becoming a Navy SEAL
Although nothing can adequately prepare one for such a circumstance, Michael Monsoor seemed to be living a life which pointed to it. He was an adventuresome boy growing up in Southern California. His father George and older brother Jim had both been proud Marines. His boyhood dream of being a SEAL began to be realized when, at 20 years of age, he joined the Navy.

In the first phase of training, he broke his heel. Exhibiting the selflessness which would become his trademark, he continued to run with a pain so excruciating he nearly passed out. Unable to continue, he was forced to ring the bell indicating that a trainee had quit the program. He was medically rolled back and sent to Italy for a year where he spent the majority of his off time doing physical training. His mother, Sally, when visiting him, said he hardly ever stopped running.

He then reentered a grueling SEAL program where only 23% pass, graduated at the top in the class of 2005 and was assigned to Delta Platoon. In April 2006 he was sent to Iraq on his first tour of duty.

From here we almost lose our breath as we follow the rapid upward trajectory his life would take.

Rescued from the Jaws of Death
As a heavy-weapons machine gunner, his position while patrolling the streets of Ramadi with Delta Company was right behind the point man. The responsibility for protecting the rest of the unit fell squarely on his shoulders. It was an appropriate position for a Catholic young man named after the warrior angel, Saint Michael.

He was also a SEAL communicator which required him to carry a rucksack full of communications equipment in addition to his MK 48 machine gun full of ammunition. He carried the extra 100 lbs, without complaint, in temperatures as high as 130 degrees.

In May of 2006, during his first month in Iraq, his unit came under fire during counter-terrorist operations. Heavy enemy automatic weapons fire resulted in a wounded SEAL who was left exposed to enemy fire. Michael threw caution to the wind and ran directly into the line of fire to help the injured soldier. As gun fire chewed up the asphalt around him, Michael snatched the wounded soldier from the jaws of death with one arm, returned enemy fire with the other and then dragged him to safety.

He then maintained suppressive fire while the wounded SEAL received tactical casualty treatment. After loading his wounded teammate onto an evacuation vehicle, he returned to the battle. This act of heroism earned him a Silver Star and a reputation for putting others first.

Some months later the injured soldier had a dream of the incident where the Michael who rescued him had wings. He later had an artist make a reproduction of the image in his dream depicting Michael Monsoor in dress blues with a loaded MK 48 Machine gun and silvery wings. As a tribute to Saint Michael the Archangel, who he felt was there with them, he included the short exorcism which invokes the warrior angel to “be our protection against wickedness.”

Streets Paved with Fire
Such protection was sorely needed especially considering that 75% of the missions involving Michael’s platoon came under attack. Thirty five escalated into heated firefights taking place in “streets that were paved with fire.”[1]

During eleven of those missions Michael’s leadership, guidance and decisive action were key in saving the lives of many of his men. For his heroism he was awarded the Bronze Star. The citation accompanying the medal describes how he “exposed himself to heavy enemy fire while shielding his teammates with suppressive fire. He aggressively stabilized each chaotic situation with focused determination and uncanny tactical awareness. Each time [terrorists] assaulted his team with small arms fire or rocket propelled grenades, he quickly assessed the situation, determined the best course of action to counter the enemy assaults, and implemented his plan to gain the best tactical advantage.”[2]

In the midst of such violent action, Michael Monsoor displayed what Secretary of the Navy, Donald Winter described as a “cool headedness under fire” and “when hostility broke out, he proved he was a SEAL you wanted on your team.”[3]

As extraordinary as all of this is, it was merely a prelude to the defining moment of his life in the rooftop over-watch.

“Path of Honor”
When the grenade landed in front of him, Michael Monsoor knew that the length of the fuse would not allow him to toss it out. He also knew that he was two short weeks away from returning home to family and friends. Plans were already made for him to see his younger brother play in a football game for North Dakota’s Minot State University.[4]

With the only exit door at his back, a live grenade at his feet and two Navy Seals in front of him he was faced with the hardest decision of his life. It was one of those rare moments when life passes before your eyes. Having already endured so many hardships and numerous brushes with death no one would have faulted him had he chosen a path to safety.

“He chose a different path,” said Mr. Winter, “a path of honor.” On numerous occasions, Michael Monsoor stared death in the face in his heroic defense of others. Once again he and death would meet and once again he put others first. With unflinching selflessness he gave his life so that others might live. In so doing, he saved the lives of three Navy SEALS and eight Iraqi soldiers.

One of the survivors described how “Mikey” looked death in the face that day and said, “You cannot take my brothers, I will go in their stead.”[5]

“He never took his eye off the grenade, his only movement was down and toward it," said a 28-year-old lieutenant who lived to tell the story. “He undoubtedly saved mine and the other SEALs' lives.”[6]

Another eyewitness described Michael’s countenance, as “completely calm, showing no fear only resolve.”
It could easily be said of him what Gen. Pericles said in his funeral oration for the warriors of ancient Athens, “He passed away from the scene, not of his fear, but of his glory.”

Feast of St. Michael the Archangel
Michael Monsoor was immediately evacuated to a battalion aid station. Fr. Paul Anthony Halladay, his platoon chaplain, was with Michael as he passed away approximately 30 minutes later.

It was an appropriate end for a Catholic soldier who, according to many reports, was a practicing Catholic. His fellow soldiers told how he frequently attended mass “with devotion” before his operations.

Patricia Monsoor, his aunt and godmother, said he “went to confession frequently” and “other soldiers who were not practicing would sometimes follow [him to mass] because of his good example.”

When he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor, a tearful President Bush reminded the audience that the day Michael Monsoor died was the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel.

An emotional Donald Winter quoted a passage from scripture already remembered by so many to describe Michael Monsoor. “Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

“When it came down to laying down his life for his friends, his faith allowed him to [do so] without a moment's hesitation,” said Father Halladay.[7]

“I Have Given Everything”
The most moving tribute to Petty Officer Michael Monsoor was that given by Lt. Commander John Willink during an evening ceremony at the Navy Memorial honoring the fallen hero.[8]

He described in detail a photo of Michael released shortly after his death. The picture shows Michael walking at the head of his platoon, through the war-torn streets of Ramadi. They are shrouded in a greenish yellow mist used to mask their movements from the enemy. In spite of the chaos and danger which surrounds them, Michael is calm, almost smiling.

“As I look at this picture,” Lt. Willink said, “I hear a voice in a humble but confident tone.”

He then finishes his speech with the words he imagines Michael saying to him. They are words which I feel Michael Monsoor is saying to every American who appreciates the unbelievable sacrifice he made in a faraway land. Far from his family and the country he loved.

“I am Michael Monsoor…
“I am patrolling the streets of Ramadi… My eyes sting from the sweat, my gun and gear are heavy but these things do not bother me. There is no comfort here but this is the life I have chosen and there is no place I would rather be…and I am ready.
“I am Michael Monsoor… I miss my family. I want to hold my nieces and nephews again. I want to make them smile and laugh but I am far from home. Instead I smile at the Iraqi children when we pass them by. When we encounter Iraqi families I treat them with respect and dignity. I know the importance of family because there is nothing more important to me, than my family…
“I am Michael Monsoor, I love my country, my fellow SEALS and the men fighting along side us… I have lived life to its fullest. I have not looked back. I leave nothing but love and I have no regrets.
“I am Michael Monsoor… and I have given everything…For you!”


  1. http://www.blackfive.net/main/2008/04/us-navy-seal-mi.html
  2. http://www.navy.mil/moh/Monsoor/bronze.pdf
  3. http://www.navy.mil/moh/Monsoor/hoh.html
  4. http://www.landstuhlhospitalcareproject.org/Honorees/Michael%20A.%20Monsoor/Michael%20A.%20Monsoor.htm
  5. http://mksviews.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/you-cannot-take-my-brothers-i-will-go-in-their-stead
  6. http://www.military.com/NewsContent/0,13319,116817,00.html
  7. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/religion/2006608/posts?page=5
  8. http://www.navy.mil/moh/Monsoor/flag.html

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Even cars waiting in the drive-through lane at Taco Bell honked their horns...

Bakersfield College, California

“What is this all about?” asked a student at Bakersfield College. After Mr. Cesar Franco explained the importance of traditional marriage and gave him a flier, he said: “That’s great! Thank you! Let me shake your hand. What church are you from?” After being informed that TFP volunteers are Catholic, he wanted to know why Catholic priests are celibate.

Mr. Cesar’s answer was rudely interrupted by a college official who demanded that he go immediately to the office of Student Activities – another case of “free speech” regulations. The student objected: “We are having a deep conversation and you want to take him away. That’s not right. Let him stay.”

Reactions in the college office

In the office, Mr. Cesar Franco was given a “vendor” application form to fill out. One of the requirements was to provide proof of a one million dollar insurance policy. He attempted to explain how the TFP is not a “vendor” but a non-profit foundation. The office manager would not listen and invited him to leave campus or show up with a one million dollar insurance policy just to give out fliers. They call it “free speech.”

While in the office, Mr. Franco witnessed a steady stream of pro-homosexual individuals entering the office holding TFP fliers.

They did not know Mr. Franco was listening and harassed college employees with foul, aggressive language: “Did you see this? These people are passing out these (bleep, bleep) fliers. Remove them from campus immediately!”

The lady behind the desk was a little more than just nervous. She was worried about losing her job. “I’m already on it,” she repeated. “No. No. I don’t need this. Not today. Please.”

Campaign on California Ave
In the afternoon we campaigned at the intersection of California Ave and Oak St. “I already received your flier from a nun at Church,” said a passerby. “I want more to give out. Can you give me a stack of them?”

Here, we received a high rate of HPM (honks per minute) in support of traditional marriage. Even cars waiting in the drive-through lane at Taco Bell honked their horns, making it difficult for fast-food employees to hear anything on the intercom and take orders. Cars kept honking anyway.

Blasphemy and same-sex “marriage”
A man in his twenties screamed loud insults and blasphemy against Our Lord from his car as he waited for his Taco Bell order. Then he made an obscene gesture with his finger at me. His car was wedged between others cars in line for their order so I decided to walk up to him.

All his initial bravado suddenly vanished. He sunk back into his seat and lowered his voice, slightly embarrassed, but continued: “If you don’t like same-sex ‘marriage’ move away from California. They can do whatever they want. How does it hurt you anyway?”

I replied: “Freedom has limits and homosexual sin hurts me because it hurts the society I live in. It hurts me to see toddlers in public school being taught that homosexual vice is normal. It hurts me to see the sanctity of marriage being violated by the state.” The man answered: “Just keep Church and state separate.”

“Marriage is an institution that is rooted in the nature of man, in Natural Law, in our very blueprint,” I said. “And if you are in favor of the separation of Church and State, then you should oppose the state forced homosexual ‘marriage’ on Californians who rejected it by 61% eight years ago.

The state is in fact forcing its secular views on California. And when pedophilia advocates start demanding their “rights,” on what moral ground will the state stand on to object to such a moral aberration. What are civil laws if they don’t respect eternal principles rooted in the unchanging truth created by God?”

The man’s eyes began to water and he said in the low voice: “I’m sorry for calling you names. You have the right to do this campaign.”
Saint Joseph, pray for us!

In the news:
Assault Doesn't Deter Marriage Backers

From the inbox:
I just read about some of your people being attacked when you were trying to give out literature to preserve traditional marriage. I am a Christian woman from Pennsylvania, but not a member of any group. I just wanted to tell you that most people do not believe in perversion, and that most of us want to bring our children up with morals and values. That said, it is sure hard in this generation.

I pray that you can preserve traditional marriage - it is even weird that we need to write "traditional" next to marriage, or that the discussion of whether folks can marry someone of their own sex even exists - has the world gone stark-raving mad?

No, I think rather that the words of our Lord make such perfect sense in this generation, that man is given
over to his own selfish and perverted desire; these, God tells us, are reprobate, completelyworthless in the service of our Father.

Please forgive me, I'm rambling on, and you are so busy; mostly, I just wanted to say "thank you" to all of you for your hard work, and I want all of you to know that
on those days that seem so discouraging, there are lots of people just like me who appreciate you more than you could ever, ever know.
Thank you and God Bless You,
Jan D.
Pottstown, Pa.

How to Support the Caravan
If you wish to support this vital endeavor with a gift, please click below.
If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to TFP Student Action and mail it to:
TFP Student Action,
1358 Jefferson Rd.
Spring Grove, PA 17362.
We've already traveled over 3,000 miles for traditional marriage and it takes some $107.00 to fill our van's gas tank. Thank you for considering a gift to this cause. God bless you!
Financial Reports Notice

Catholic Archbishop Denounces Tactics of the Homosexual Movement

 In an articulate and courageous September 19 statement, the Catholic archbishop of Paraiba, Brazil reiterated the perennial doctrine of the Church against homosexual practice and same-sex "marriage."

Archbishop Aldo di Cillo Pagotto denounced what he called the "missionaries of the homosexual cause," who seek to impose ostensible homosexual practice on society by creating a "crime of homophobia that must be penalized as discrimination."[1]

Homosexual Union Against the Nature of Marriage

Archbishop Pagotto begins his statement by showing how neither Brazilian civil law nor Church law approves such “marriage.” They do not recognize its validity and legitimacy as means for the formation of a family, “since it lacks the essential conditions for its intended purpose, namely the fruitful union between a man and a woman, begetting children” who can be “formed and educated in a family environment.”

The Phobia Mechanism

The Brazilian archbishop also denounced the myth of "homophobia" used by the homosexual movement to label opposition. He explains the psychological reasoning behind this label.

"Missionary indoctrinators of the homosexual cause,” Archbishop Pagotto says, "project their own fears and ambiguities onto the banner of homophobia." Thus, by using this "habitual phobia mechanism as a homosexual banner, they cast the anguish of their unresolved inner drives upon heterosexuals and society as a whole.” The cause of their anguish is the “inner contradiction” in which these people live which results from the way they deal with the "disappointment or disapproval of the outside world toward homosexual behavior."

“Political Banner”

After projecting their own interior conflict on society, these “missionaries of the homosexual cause” go on to the next phase by politicizing their vice.

The Archbishop of Paraíba explains how they mobilize to promote sexual diversity through the use of “pressure groups that see ghosts of their persecutors in every corner. They liken themselves to minorities excluded from society, such as victims of racism and prejudice. They mobilize and advocate a political platform by creating the crime of homophobia which must be repressed and penalized.”

Homosexual Practice as Right

In this way, homosexual practice is “politicized” and its opponents are criminalized. The homosexual movement then strives to impose the practice of homosexuality upon society as a source of rights. The archbishop explains:

The ‘gay’ flag is given legal legitimacy in the courts of many countries, which in turn causes yet more juridical claims, tending toward legal protection for and ostensive promotion of homosexuality as part of the guarantee of all civil rights. However, these rights are not those that all have but rather only those that promote the cause of homosexuality.

Pressure groups shield the subjectivism of their sexual option behind human rights and impose themselves on society and the State by demanding the reforming of that which cannot be reformed: the natural and positive law established by the Creator.

Destroying Natural Law and Family

Thus, so-called homosexual “marriage” is contrary to the order of nature and natural law and its approval would be tantamount to suicide: “The Church sees this as a suicide of natural law and the social bonds that establishes the family as the basic cell of society.”

Homosexual Dictatorship

The clear and courageous statement by Archbishop Aldo de Cillo Pagotto is all the more opportune in view of a bill now before the Brazilian Senate which would establish as a crime punishable with imprisonment any restriction on the practice or display of homosexuality.[2]

This bill is so radical that Bishop Redovino Rizzardo of the Dourados Diocese summarizes it as follows:

From every indication, when the bill is voted into law, in addition to the basic rights the Federal Constitution guarantees to all Brazilian citizens, homosexuals will have privileges and advantages derived from their sexual choice. In contrast, all those who do not agree with homosexual behavior will either have to keep quiet or get ready to occupy a cell in one of the country’s prisons.[3]

Timely Encouragement

Given the international nature of the homosexual movement’s campaign to impose its goals on society, the courageous statement by the Brazilian archbishop is a timely encouragement for all those who defend the sacred institution of the family based on matrimony as inscribed “in the very nature of man and woman as they came from the hands of the Creator.”[4]

For this reason, it deserves to be disseminated far and wide.


  1. Arquidiocese da Paraíba divulga nota oficial com sua posição sobre união homo-afetivas [Archdiocese of Paraíba issues official note on its position on homosexual unions], Paraíba Online, Sept. 19, 2008 http://www.paraibaonline.com.br/noticia.php?id=601593&ano< /a>=
  2. Cf. Luiz Sérgio Solimeo, ‘The World Watches as Brazil Advances Toward a Homosexual Dictatorship,” July 24 2008, http://www.tfp.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1057.
  3. Most Rev. Redovino Rizzardo, “Quem são os discriminados?” [“Who Are Those Discriminated against?”] Diário M.S., July 3, 2008 at http://www.diarioms.com.br/leitura.php?can_id=15&id=77078#. (Our translation).
  4. “Arquidiocese da Paraíba divulga nota oficial com sua posição sobre união homo-afetivas,” op. cit.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

When people flee from responsibility in their personal lives, is it any wonder debt accumulates so rapidly?

The Next Capital Crunch

To anyone who is watching the markets, it is obvious that our economy is in deep financial trouble. The immense amount of money pouring into the black hole of needed credit points to a crisis of unimaginable proportions that was long in the making.

Understanding modern economy is not for the uninitiated. There are few laymen versed in the fickleness of markets and mysterious complexity of our interconnected systems. The technical explanations of what is happening are best left to bickering economists – if indeed they can explain it adequately.

However, economics is not totally detached from other fields of human endeavor and so by observing society that one can safely venture an opinion that might shed some light on the present crisis…and the next.

In simple laymen’s terms, much of the present crisis came from pressure to provide politically correct “affordable housing” which in turn led to subprime loans to people who could not afford to buy their homes. The loans led to loose credit for bad credit risks, bad mortgages written up for quick profits, bundled up into investment packages, and sold to eager investors.
Simple logic leads us to isolate the players who are involved in this explosive mixture.

Of course, there were those who let the loans happen. However, there were also those who took advantage of the gaping hole in the new system to maximize their earnings. There were the bankers who eagerly sought after and wrote up the questionable mortgages to increase their commissions. There were improvident buyers who bought homes on terms they could not fulfill.

There were wheeling and dealing investment firms that bundled up these loans to sell them to investors in a booming market. There were investors of all kinds who bought these questionable mortgages hoping for a better than average return on investment. Finally, there is a federal government to bail everyone out who found themselves high and dry when the bottom fell out of the real estate market and the notes came due.
Until the final episode, all this took place in apparent normality. It was pure economics. To all outward appearance, most of the players did nothing illegal. Each was trying to get his piece of the action in the spiraling upward swing in the real estate market.

But beneath the transactions, there is a disconcerting consistency in many of the most active players of the game. One can see how many players threw caution to the wind and took maximum advantage of the system. Many were pushing ever farther their lack of restraint to make their precarious deals. They passed on ever-greater risks to others. They used every trick in the trade to leverage dollars beyond their value. Everyone seemed to ride the bubble for all it was worth – insurers, brokerage firms, and appraisers. Finally, many acted with a bailout assumption that would assure that their bad acts would have no serious consequences for themselves.

Of course, there have always been those few who have used the system to their advantage. But in today’s globalized world, the possibilities of milking the system have grown exponentially. The consequences of unscrupulous acts can have huge consequences that involve hundreds of billions of dollars and cause untold human suffering.

This is beyond mere greed. That so many could have acted with such careless abandon points to something much more serious than bad economics.

It points to a moral crisis. When men act without restraint in face of a threat to the common good, it means that the moral infrastructure of society is at risk. When the consuming passion for selfish gain becomes the dominant set of values in society, it means duty, responsibility and honor no longer resonate in society.

And who can doubt it? Is it any wonder that players in the credit crunch game would act in a manner any different from our culture of instant gratification? In a society that does everything to try to deprive acts of their moral dimension and consequences, who should be surprised if these players are only following suit?

When people flee from responsibility in their personal lives, is it any wonder debt accumulates so rapidly? When people spend what they do not have and receive what they cannot pay for in their personal lives, should we be surprised when we see this transferred into the world of high finance? Isn’t all this a sign that something is terribly wrong with our moral bearings? One can only ask what other surprises lay ahead.

Thus, although it may seem unrelated, this carefree mentality highlights why the moral issues that divide the nation have such great importance. These are the issues that deal with another kind of capital: our moral capital. Institutions like family, community and religion are what preserve what remains of our moral values, guide us to act with restraint in our lives and safeguard our meager moral capital.

The latest crisis is shocking but it only heralds a greater crisis.

It is the next great capital crisis – a moral capital crisis -- that is to be feared. If this moral capital is lost, there is no amount of regulation that can restrain the consuming passion of the players. There are not enough rescue dollars to plug the holes of all the other crises that will follow.

Ask YouTube to Pull Host Desecration Videos

YouTube, the universally recognized forum for videos of all types, now has videos that make it a stage for acts of blasphemy.

America Needs Fatima is protesting these videos showing desecration of hosts online.

The videos in question involve an individual who has put up forty videos on YouTube showing Consecrated Hosts being stepped on, burned, stapled, smoked and nailed to a stick. He even fed the Holy Eucharist to ducks and flushed the Host down the toilet.

On his site, the blasphemer says: “From now on, one Eucharist desecration a day, and each day a different method. If they want blasphem[y], we'll give 'em blasphem[y].”

To stop these desecrations, we urge you to send a Stop Host Desecration e-petition to YouTube asking them to pull the videos. The campaign hopes to mobilize over 100,000 Catholics to action.

YouTube has a policy of pulling offensive videos from its site and has repeatedly done so in the past. These videos offend not only all Catholic, but God Himself.

Click here to send an instant e-petition.

If thousands of Catholics speak up, the 40 desecration videos can be taken offline.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Pictures from Fatima family event, and news on rally captains...

Rally Captain Enlistments Continue to Climb!

    So far, we have enlisted 3,318 rally captains.  3,500 is getting closer and closer.

    Last Saturday, America Needs Fatima friends and supporters held their annual picnic in Kansas. This event which has taken place well over ten years, is far more than a picnic. 


     It begins with a presentation by a TFP member, a crowning of Our Lady of Fatima, the opportunity to sign up to become a rally captain, a puppet show on some Catholic theme, treasure hunts for the young and for the adolescents for their enjoyment and to learn sportsmanship and charity, a piñata for the little ones, volleyball, a three wagon hay ride. 


     The highlight was the outdoor candlelit Rosary procession with Our Lady of Fatima and finally a "shadow show", which is a silhouette presentation. 


     Did I forget to mention the excellent food as well? 


    This year over 250 were in attendance from 11AM until late in the evening.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"If I ever have children, I will home-school them because I don't want them to learn that homosexuality is ok."

Bakersfield, California

Thus far, Bakersfield is the city where the most people honked their horns in support of traditional marriage; bus drivers, policemen, fire trucks, cars, even pedestrians on the sidewalk found a way to honk for true marriage.

We simply received an outstanding reception.
Almost invariably, when obscene words are directed against us at intersections, the foul language is drowned out by a collection of horn honks. The honks dispel the idea that those who oppose same-sex "marriage" are few and alone and isolated. You just can't argue with all the noise. And it's loud.

I should compile a list of comments people make when they see the TFP on the streets. Here are a few from today: "Sweet." "Right on!" "God bless you!" "You bet." "Oh, yes!" "Thank you for doing this!" and "You are doing God's work!"

When offered a flier, a man said: "Nope. I don't want it." "But it is for traditional marriage; one man, one woman," replied a TFP volunteer. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it was something else. Sure, I'll take it." Looking at the flier, he added: "This is great. Thank you!"

The weather is hot. You can smell the scent of melting tar on the road. Yet my colleagues are more than willing to continue promoting traditional marriage in these sweltering conditions. They don't complain. It is a real pleasure and honor to be with such a good, upbeat and cheerful team of TFP volunteers.

"Get a life!" yelled a woman from her car as she waited for the light to turn green. The best answer we could think of was this: "Yes, eternal life. We are working on eternal life! Eternal life is what really matters."

Two Counter-Protesters
Although support for traditional marriage was overwhelming, opposition appeared. Two homosexuals stood on the opposite side of the street holding signs: "Gay and proud," and "Real Californians support all marriages."

They must have cringed every time a car honked for us. At one point they interpreted a honk that was intended for us as a honk for them and began to cheer. But when the driver realized what had happened, she immediately gave them a thumbs down.

Mr. Kenneth Murphy asking a passerby what he thought of their pro-homosexual sign. The pedestrian answered: "It doesn't matter what I think. I know marriage is between one man and one woman. I can't stand homosexuality."

At lunch time, a very generous TFP supporter arrived with 12-inch Subway sandwiches and cool drinks. The food vanished quickly. I must also mention that another generous family gave us their home to use during our stay in Bakersfield.

As we were getting into our van, the two pro-homosexual activists were getting into their car across the street. A security guard nearby was paying keen attention to our signs and their signs. And as we pulled away from the curb and into the street, he stepped forward, stood at attention and saluted our van in dignified military fashion.

At Kern County Fair
The main entrance to the Kern County Fair was a great way to meet lots of people and give out more fliers, "10 Reasons Why Homosexuality is Harmful and Must be Opposed."

A parade of old antique cars, fire trucks, wagons, horses, Budweiser Clydesdales, and a marching band passed right in front of our campaign. In addition to many others, the fair clown gave us a big thumbs up when he passed in front of our sign for traditional marriage.

"Do you think God will punish us again like He did with Sodom and Gomorrah?" asked a fair-goer, adding: "I think He will. The fires and hurricanes are warnings. We are living on borrowed time…" Two other people on separate occasions expressed the same idea in similar words.

A Protestant lady stopped to chat for a while. "I found your flier rolled up on a bench inside the fairgrounds and took it. I am really concerned about the hate crime bills that attempt to stifle our ability to even quote from the Bible," she said.

"I really like your flier, especially the disclaimer on the back. It is very well articulated. I am going to show it to my pastor. We're going to use this same language it in our church. This is the way to get around the problem and still speak the truth."

Other fair goers gave their approval, saying: "I'm right with you" or "Amen."

"The school system is not teaching reading, writing and arithmetic, but pushing for social change and the acceptance of homosexuality," said the parents of several young children. "That's why we are home schooling our children."

A younger lady made it a point to say: "If I ever have children, I will home school them because I don't want them to learn that homosexuality is ok."

Thank you for your prayers and support. Without your prayers and the protection of Saint Joseph, our campaign patron, I don't know if this caravan would be possible.
Thank you!

P.S. Two radio stations called for interviews today. They were shocked to hear that our members were assaulted by pro-homosexual activists.

From the inbox:
I just finished reading your "caravan" account and was very impressed with the courage, restraint, and Christian example demonstrated by your volunteers. They are to be commended. As I read the accounts of the violent and abusive language they were subjected to by the pro-homosexual elements, I couldn't help but relate this vile conduct to the numerous Bible accounts of how the devil reacted when Jesus and His apostles expelled him from the possessed. Your Christian witness has given hope and courage to those who continue to fight for the truth. May God bless you and protect you always.
-- Rich S.
Erie, PA
As a wife and mom, I want to thank you and encourage you to keep up this fight! JMJ pray for us! God bless you all!
-- Stacey C.
Hello fellow Christians!
Congratulations on your campaign against same-sex marriage. Since you are in California I was wondering if you would have a chance to make a stop a this address … It is a Catholic Radio Station and I am sure they would greatly appreciate your attendance to show the community we are all this fight together. Thank you so much and God Bless you for doing this great and challenging work.
Deanna M. R.
How to Support the Caravan
If you wish to support this vital endeavor with a gift, please click below.
If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to TFP Student Action and mail it to:
TFP Student Action,
1358 Jefferson Rd.
Spring Grove, PA 17362.
We've already traveled over 3,000 miles for traditional marriage and it takes some $107.00 to fill our van's gas tank. Thank you for considering a gift to this cause. God bless you!
Financial Reports Notice

Servants of Our Lady of Guadalupe say NO! to abortion and spread the pro-life message


Member of The Servants of Our Lady of Guadalupe.


Here they are in front of a Sterling Optical because the clinic that distributes contraceptives is on the corner and where they stand they won't be seen.  This clinic does chemical abortions; they send people to Madison or Appleton or even Green Bay for surgical abortions.


The Servants of Our Lady of Guadalupe is an apostolate located in the Diocese of La Crosse, WI, dedicated to promoting a culture of life through prayer, the study of Catholic Church teaching, and missionary action.

3,316 Rally Captains Reached and New Volunteers Arrive!


    Today we signed up our 3,316th rally captain for the Public Square Rosary which is fast approaching.  If you haven't signed up yet please contact our volunteer office immediately so that we can reach at least 3,500!  You still have time.  You can contact us toll free at 866 583 6012 or you can email our campaign director directly at fjslo@aol.com

    An entire new and enthusiastic group of volunteers joins us for this week. On the left is Ms. Nene Toledo from Baltimore, MD to her left is Mrs. Patricia McKeown from Vermont, next is Miss Genevieve Miller from the Fort Worth Texas area, next is Miss Anne Drake from Pennsylvania, to her left is Miss Madeline Miller sister of Miss Genevieve, next is Mrs. Concepcion Baggett from Napa, CA and finally Mr. Juan Velez Ramos from Puerto Rico.

    These capable and enthusiastic volunteers I am sure will sign up many rally captains during their stay here.

While visiting college campuses, we've found that access to "free speech" areas are not always so free...

Fresno State University

While visiting college campuses, we've found that access to "free speech" areas are not always so free, at least to opinions which promote virtue and reject sin as our current campaign for traditional marriage does.

Perhaps "controlled speech" areas would be a more fitting name for these designated "free speech" zones.

However, at Fresno State University the red tape was minimal and within a half hour, Mr. Cesar Franco showed up waving a signed slip issued by the office of Student Activities granting us permission distribute literature on campus. Good news: now we could reach a large portion of Fresno State University's 22,000 students.
And the simple "free speech" permission slip proved to be precious. I'll explain.

Right after praying our initial three Hail Marys, the vice provost of the university showed up. Frustration was written all over her face as she approached. Very curtly, she said: "Do you have permission to be here?" Slowly pulling the slip of paper out of my blazer pocket, I informed her that, yes, "we do have permission."

Her eyes darted from one side of the page to the other. "This was issued today?!" she said somewhat surprised. "Who signed it?" The signature was indecipherable: "The lady in the Student Activities office signed it for us," I said, "but I can't make out her name."
She just stared, returned the permit to me and walked away. I hope the lady in the Student Activities office still has her job. You never know.

Students overwhelmingly receptive
Unlike UC Berkeley, most students at Frenso State University took our flier, "10 Reasons Why Homosexuality is Harmful and Must be Opposed."

At a distance, I saw Mr. Cesar Franco surrounded by about 20 students. Was it a debate? I went over and discovered that they were intently listening and agreeing with his presentation on the importance of traditional marriage.

"They say homosexuality is genetic, but it's not. They choose to be that way," explained one student to his friends. I took advantage to inform them that Dr. LeVay, the doctor the homosexual movement uses to supposedly prove the existence of a homosexual gene, flatly denies that his scientific research can substantiate such a claim.

The best example to prove that homosexuality is not genetic is to explain that identical twins who share the same genetic code often behave differently: one may be homosexual, the other not. Also, many who have fallen into the sin of homosexuality have recovered and now live happily.

A protestant preacher was also using the free speech area. He incorporated something like this into his speech as students streamed by: "Listen students, listen to what these Catholics are saying. One man and one woman… one man and one woman. Read their flier. Listen to them…"

Our day was most successful.

Soon, we will be in Bakersfield. Please continue to pray for our tour.

Some of our readers have sent generous contributions to keep this tour going. I want to personally thank each one of them for their sacrifice and support. To keep us on the road for traditional marriage, click here to send a gift.
Saint Joseph, pray for us!

From the inbox:
I have been following your journey via the Internet. God bless you for your caravan for traditional marriage! I especially admire your resolve in going to Berkeley where they certainly do encourage "free speech" as long as it's speech they agree with! I know that you are being protected by Our Lord, so I feel confident you will be safe and touch many people with your message.
-- Daniel N.
Pasadena, CA

Very proud of your efforts. Keep up the good work knowing GOD is on your side.

How to Support the Caravan
If you wish to support this vital endeavor with a gift, please click below.
If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to TFP Student Action and mail it to:
TFP Student Action,
1358 Jefferson Rd.
Spring Grove, PA 17362.
We've already traveled over 3,000 miles for traditional marriage and it takes some $107.00 to fill our van's gas tank. Thank you for considering a gift to this cause. God bless you!
Financial Reports Notice

We stood before this powerful tree with our banner: "God's marriage = one man + one woman."

Sequoia National Park

When you see the famous Sequoias, their grandeur instantly inspires you to think of their Creator. Their massive size and superior beauty speak of the blessings God has bestowed on our great nation.

For many of us it was the first time visiting the Sequoia National Park, a well-deserved break for my TFP colleagues who have now been on the road for 20 days.
As we navigated the steep, hair-point turns ascending the mountains, the panorama opened into ever more breathtaking scenes and those in the van often erupted in spontaneous expressions of awe: "Wow!"

In places, the air was thick with smoke. Yes, brush fires are still flaring up in California and we even saw a helicopter carrying a huge balloon-shape container of water to subdue a fire that was dangerously encroaching on family homes at the base of the mountain. Firemen were already on the ground.

The van overheated. We were forced to pull over and let the engine cool off. Time was slipping away. Finally, we made it to General Sherman, the largest Sequoia tree; a mass of 52,500 cubic feet of wood. Again: "Wow!"

We posed for a picture at the base of this powerful tree with our banner: "God's marriage = one man + one woman."

The golden rays of the sun set made parts of the forest scintillate with special majesty and we gathered on an outcrop of rock overlooking the valley to sing the Salve Regina in Latin as the sun calmly disappeared on the horizon.

On our way back to the campsite we spotted two black bear foraging for food; one was rather small, probably just a cub.

Please continue to pray for the caravan. I will send you more news tomorrow.
Saint Joseph, pray for us!
How to Support the Caravan
If you wish to support this vital endeavor with a gift, please click below.
If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to TFP Student Action and mail it to:
TFP Student Action,
1358 Jefferson Rd.
Spring Grove, PA 17362.
We've already traveled over 3,000 miles for traditional marriage and it takes some $107.00 to fill our van's gas tank. Thank you for considering a gift to this cause. God bless you!
Financial Reports Notice

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pointing to her wedding ring, she said: "That's right. Tolerate this! Tolerate this!"

Fresno, California

Fresno was extremely receptive to the message of traditional marriage. The owner of a Mexican restaurant treated us to hearty breakfast; huevos rancheros, bacon and other tasty dishes, a good start for a full day of campaigning.

We set up at the busiest intersection we could find outside of River Park Mall. The honking picked up immediately as passing cars read our sign: "Honk for traditional marriage" and other banners.

I need to mention that a good Catholic friend of the TFP from Vienna, Austria joined us for the weekend: Count Johann-Ferdinand von Kuefstein. We were honored by his company and dedication. He traveled from Europe to California in support of traditional marriage.

We are now flying a brand new American flag. The crisp red, white and blue colors sparkle under the California sun, which is very bright. We haven't seen rain once since September 1 and my TFP colleagues' faces are a couple of shades darker from sun burn.

"God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!" exclaimed a homeless man who agreed wholeheartedly with us. Moments later a pro-homosexual, enraged by our presence, looked for something within his car to hurl at the TFP volunteers on the sidewalk.

Apparently all he could find was change, and coins came flying out of his window in all directions. A coin showed up inside the cuff of Mr. John Miller’s trousers.

At the football stadium
Today, Fresno State University's football team, the Bulldogs, played against a college team from Wisconsin. The college stadium was completely sold out – about 40,000 seats. "Great place to give out pro-family literature," we thought. So off we went.

As thousands funneled down the street, we passed out loads of literature. The Fresno team color is red and almost everyone wore red t-shirts and caps.

The TFP cape is also red and our flier opposing same-sex "marriage" has red borders, which caused some to wonder if we were affiliated with the hometown football team. "Just a coincidence," we told them. "Defend traditional marriage, one man, one woman, the way God made it!"

"I honked for you earlier today at the mall! Keep up the good work," said a cheerful couple with small children making their way to the stadium.

I just remembered an interesting fact from a previous campaign worth relating. A man at an intersection started screaming insults at us. One of our volunteers politely said, "Sir, what you are saying is not very tolerant!" A lady one car over, waiting for the light to turn green, smiling in agreement, put here hand out the window, and addressing the rude individual, pointed to her wedding ring, saying: "That's right. Tolerate this! Tolerate this!"

We are planning to visit the Fresno State University campus. For that reason, please say extra prayers for us. College campuses can be hostile to the truth.

Thank you for your prayers and may Saint Joseph grant the noble cause of traditional marriage victory in California. God will prevail.

From the inbox:

Dear TFPers,
Hey - I thank God there are those brave enough to stand up against the promotion and glorification of sexual perversion in our society, and to defend what marriage IS. It is hard to believe that modern society now is finding it hard to even teach its children that marriage has something to do with a male and a female, and with the creation of new human life, and that sexual perversion is now being outrageously promoted to all our kids, but here we are...
Like you, I have endured much persecution for standing over the years with the Catholic Church (and it's true teachings), with the Boy Scouts, and so on. My strong advice to you is: Do not back down. Stand firm with the truth, with God's true love, with the facts, and with honor. You are storing up treasures in heaven. And - do not hate even those who persecute you. Love them with the truth. You will be planting seeds that will cause many to turn from their depraved ways, though you may not be around to see those seeds sprout.
God be with you.
-- Bob B.
New Jersey

Dear Brothers in JMJ: Though I am unable to join you in your caravan, I join my prayers with all those who pray for you in Heavan, earth and Purgatory. May the victorious Queen of the world and her holy spouse St. Joseph be with you, lead you, strengthen you and protect you in this crusade against the evil.
-- Dr. Bosco E.

From Karaikudi, India
I think you are very brave in what you are doing, standing up for traditional marriage. I know what it is like to have a hot drink thrown at you. It happened to me once when I worked in a prison. Good luck with your campaign, and may God truly bless you all.
-- Maurice

How to Support the Caravan
If you wish to support this vital endeavor with a gift, please click below.
If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to TFP Student Action and mail it to:
TFP Student Action,
1358 Jefferson Rd.
Spring Grove, PA 17362.
We've already traveled over 3,000 miles for traditional marriage and it takes some $107.00 to fill our van's gas tank. Thank you for considering a gift to this cause. God bless you!
Financial Reports Notice

"I am an expert and what you are doing is pointless..."

From Monterey, California

This morning our host family made us a hearty breakfast and some of the best omelets west of the Mississippi.

With renewed energy, we made our way to Monterey, and after receiving Holy Communion at the Cathedral, our souls were spiritually fortified for another day of campaigning for traditional marriage.

Monterey is a big tourist attraction, built around old canneries. The campaign started a few blocks away from the Aquarium which contains an enormous variety of sea animals and plants, attracting a steady flow of visitors from near and far.

A hippie stopped: "I am an expert and what you are doing is pointless," he insisted. "You are so few." We told him about the overwhelming support we had so far received and that in California alone, the American TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign has 130,000 members. When he heard that, he didn't know what to say and stopped bothering us.

We received lots of support. Judging from the reactions we see on the street, and not the questionable opinion polls, I would say the majority of Californians oppose same-sex "marriage."

The police arrived in response to "phone calls." They were pleased to verify that our campaign was being conducted in an orderly and respectful fashion: "You are fine where you are and you don't need to move" they said, and we continued spreading our fliers unhindered.

Off to Frenso
On our way to Fresno, we stopped at San Luis Reservoir to admire the scenery and take a few pictures. The wind was blowing so strong that our banner nearly sailed away as we set it up for the picture. Actually, the wind was so fierce that the banner tore at the corner, and Mr. Peter Miller who was holding the TFP standard fought hard to keep it from pulling him over.

We will be campaigning in Fresno tomorrow, God willing. Please continue to pray for the victory of traditional marriage in California and America.
Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Read our flier, 10 Reasons Why Homosexual "Marriage" is Harmful and Must be Opposed. For Spanish, click here.
How to Support the Caravan
If you wish to support this vital endeavor with a gift, please click below.
If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to TFP Student Action and mail it to:
TFP Student Action,
1358 Jefferson Rd.
Spring Grove, PA 17362.
We've already traveled over 3,000 miles for traditional marriage and it takes some $107.00 to fill our van's gas tank. Thank you for considering a gift to this cause. God bless you!
Financial Reports Notice