Saturday, October 20, 2012

Immoral Sacrilege Against the Blessed Virgin is an Outrage that Cries out to God for Vengeance!

Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin, by Fra Angelico.

Annunciation - Fra Angelico

Work on display in the convent of San Marco in Florence.
The beautiful picture above is of Fra Angelico (1387-1455).

In a remarkable atmosphere of great purity, he painted the scene of the Annunciation, one of the most sublime in history, when the Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary that She would become the Mother of God.

Her answer was: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word." At that august moment the Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us.

Now, imagine that a person obsessed with pornography completely repainted this scene in a completely immoral manner. 

READ WITH CAUTION: Very disturbing and graphic!

And so, keeping the background of the picture above, he replaces the figure of Our Lady for a fully naked woman and another woman with angel wings and also naked.  Such perversity is difficult to imagine! (*)

But what I just mentioned above as a possible profanation of such a holy scene, has in fact taken place!

As I write, a sacrilegious reproduction of the original Annunciation painting by the Blessed Fra Angelico is on display at the famous National Gallery, London (England).  Its author was the "artist" Richard Hamilton, who died last year.

In face of this brutal aggression to our Blessed and Immaculate Mother, will we do nothing to repair Her outraged honor?  Will Her sons do nothing when they see their Mother so debased?  Will we remain silent?

Recently, Islamists worldwide protested violently against a film that satirized Muhammad.  In some of these protests there were fires set and even deaths.  Protests are common in the Islamic world, whenever someone makes a simple cartoon that is considered offensive to the Mohammedan religion.

And what do Catholics do to repair the honor of Our Lady that is so gravely offended?  So far, in the English speaking world, I have not heard a single voice that has been raised up against this sacrilege at the London Gallery.

Some groups in Brazil such as the Plinio CorrĂȘa de Oliveira Institute (, the Association of the Devotees of Fatima ( and the magazine Catholicism ( ) are protesting the blasphemy.  But other than them, no news has come in so far of any demonstrations or protests, not even from the Catholic clergy.  How sad.  How tragic.

We hope that many other group will raise up in protest once they hear about this grave sacrilege.

Our protest is not in doing noisy and unconstructive acts of violence.  However, we must speak out peacefully and prayerfully and demand the immediate withdrawal of this immoral and offensive exhibit.

That's the least that all children and devotees of the Blessed Virgin can do.  Our Mother and the Mother of the Redeemer of mankind deserves far more.  However, to try to stop this blasphemy, can do at least the following:

• Organize demonstrations and peaceful protests. Catholics are law abiding citizens and do NOT take the law into their own hands;

• Send a message to the National Gallery, where the painting is on display.  E-mail:  In your message, tell them to remove the sacrilegious “artwork. “

Expresses your outrage.  Tell them how this misrepresentation of the painting of Fra Angelico is an insult that attacks Our Lady, our faith and morals;

• Send an e-mail to your friends, asking them to do the same and also send protest messages to the e-mail address above;

• Send this news to all civil and ecclesiastical authorities who you know, asking them to also protest;

• Post the news on blogs and websites and comment on this terrible happening on social media and networks.


The enemies of the Catholic Religion advance because we are silent when they promote evils like this exhibit at the National Gallery.  The force of evil lies in the weakness of the good. So, let’s not be weak!  Let's speak out against this infamy!

If we act now in defense of Our Lady’s purity, unworthy though we are, we can be sure that on the Day of Judgment, She will be our advocate before the August Judgment Seat of God.  Is there anything better than that?


(*) I did not publish a copy of the blasphemous work because it is immoral and indecent.  This photo is on certain sites, but I advise against looking for it, due to our respect and reverence for Our Lady.

Send a message of protest to the National Gallery, where the painting sacrilegious is on display: E-mail:


  1. Lets do all we can to stand up for Mary, our Queen and Mother. Veronica.

  2. hopefully the weekly Catholic newspaper here in the British Isles, the Catholic Herald, will carry the protest this week,dv....
