Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Blessed Virgin Mary is symbolized in the beauties of nature

So zealous was the Holy Ghost for the honor of his well-beloved spouse, that he did not content himself with causing her to be announced so many centuries before her birth ; but he wished, moreover, that the most beautiful objects of nature should be as it were but emblems of her.

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The holy fathers are lifted into affectionate admiration, when they meet in every page of the inspired writings something that is extraordinary, and that shadows forth in the most striking manner possible her privileges.



She is called a cedar, but a cedar of Lebanon; she is called a cypress, but a cypress of Zion; a palm, but a palm of Cades; an olive tree, but one of the most beautiful that ever flourished on any soil; an acorn, but one of the highest that ever grew in water;
a lily, but one of those that shoot up among thorns; a rose, but one of those that grew in Jericho; a spike nard, but a spikenard of most delicious fragrance: yea, even is she termed an enclosed garden, in order with one short word to indicate that she comprises in herself the beauty and the charm of all flowers.

In like manner is she termed a myrrh of predilection, odoriferous balsam, a pure cinnamon ; and all these appellations are given her in order to show that she herself is the most excellent of all creatures.

The other images of our Blessed Lady are, I might say, numberless ; but every one of them tends to heighten our idea of her perfection.

Accordingly, we find her styled the tent of God ; the ark of the covenant; the propitiatory seat of the temple, the blooming rod;
the well sealed up ; a bush which burns but is not consumed; a dove without spot; a fruitful vine; a field waving with the richness of its produce; the morning star; the aurora; a lighted torch beautiful as the morn, bright as the sun, charming as a
many-colored rainbow.

All these things and a thousand others are intended by God to symbolize Mary; that is, they are intended to give a faint idea of her gifts, her virtues, and her privileges: as for example the integrity of her body, the elevation of her mind, the goodness of her heart, the glory of her triumphs, the security enjoyed under
her protection.

Now these things were done in a figurative manner.  But the images have now ceased, and we need no more look for Mary amid the beauties of nature : meditation on her life, on her actions, arid on her mysteries, is, in this state of the world, sufficient for all our purposes.

Oh, how perfectly the figures, and the thing prefigured, correspond!

She herself appears beautiful as the rainbow, lowly as the spikenard, blindingly white as the lily; she appears as the tent of God, as the distributor of his gifts; as the olive on the field.

Now it remains for thee to meditate on her life; to read the books which treat of her, of her dignity, and of her love. Oh! that thou hadst devoted to the reading of those excellent papers which portray her to thee some time, instead of squandering as thou hast done, so many hours in pouring over the pages of frivolous and dangerous books.

Oh, how thou wouldst then feel thy spirit renewed in strength, and thy heart overflowing with pure joys! Oh, Mary! Oh, admirable Virgin! Oh! thou the desire of the Patriarchs, the longing of
all the just and the desire of all hearts! I also shall endeavor to love thee daily more and more.

Oh, Mary, I deplore from my heart all the time which I spent in reading the fancies, the phantoms, and the reveries of creatures. Henceforward, I purpose to occupy myself with those books only which treat of thee.

Ah! how can I well find any object greater, any object more noble, any object more beautiful or more precious, than art thou?

Thou wast announced by God himself, foretold by the prophets, and symbolized in every thing that is most precious in the universe.  Oh, Mary! strengthen the weakness of my will; confirm my resolution; fill me with love for thee; and then shall I
remain faithful to thee forever, Amen.


Taken from:


By REV. FRANCIS GABRINI, S.J. (Published in 1872)

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