became the bishop of Rouen, France, in 549. The thirty-five years
during which he occupied the position of bishop were riddled with
troubles involving the Frankish monarchy, a result of which was a time
of exile for the saint.
the players of this political drama was Fredegund, mistress of King
Chilperic, a murderous woman responsible for several deaths in the royal
family. Fredegund despised Praetextatus and opposed his return from
exile, but a council in Rouen overruled her interference and reinstated
the holy bishop to his see.
“The time is coming when you shall revisit the place of your exile.” She threatened the saint shortly before his death. “I was a bishop always, whether in exile or out of exile, and a bishop I shall remain; but as for you, you shall not always enjoy your crown.” He said, as he urged the queen to convert.
The wicked queen refused to reform her life, and in 586 as Praetextatus was offering Holy Mass, Fredegund had an assassin stab him under the arm. The mortally wounded bishop managed to drag himself to the altar and receive Holy Communion before he died.

“The time is coming when you shall revisit the place of your exile.” She threatened the saint shortly before his death. “I was a bishop always, whether in exile or out of exile, and a bishop I shall remain; but as for you, you shall not always enjoy your crown.” He said, as he urged the queen to convert.
The wicked queen refused to reform her life, and in 586 as Praetextatus was offering Holy Mass, Fredegund had an assassin stab him under the arm. The mortally wounded bishop managed to drag himself to the altar and receive Holy Communion before he died.
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