He proceeded to recount how, many years before he was involved in an extra-marital affair. One day, when dining with the woman in a restaurant, Anna’s parents had come in and pretended they had not seen them.
But next day he picked up the phone to hear Anna’s mother inviting him over for a piece of pie.
“You know how good your mother’s pie was…But there was also a tone of urgent authority in her voice, so I went.”
After enjoying his piece of pie, Anna’s mother revealed that she had, indeed, seen him and his girl-friend the night before.
“Though I vehemently denied it, your mother would not relent...She proceeded to remind me of the time when I was out of work and she had cooked for my family day in and day out.”
“Now, I want payback,” she demanded.
“I reached for my wallet, but she said,”
“Not that way.”
Handing him a Rosary she asked him to go to Mass for a week. She instructed him to say the Hail Mary and Our Father assigned to each bead while thinking of something good about his wife, his children and their family life.
“If at the end of this week you still think this woman is better for you, just mail me back the Rosary, and I will never say a word about this again.”
At this point, the man telling the story reached into his pocket. Pulling out a worn Rosary, he said,
“This is the Rosary your mother gave me all those years ago. My wife and I have said it together every day since.”
Based on a story from 101 Inspirational Stories of the Rosary by Sister Patricia Proctor, OSC
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