Monday, January 12, 2009

Man, death and judgment

The Church urges us to always keep death before our eyes and to order our lives accordingly. 


Then, when death approaches, we can expect a joyful resurrection on Judgment Day.   Living in this perspective will prepare us for the moment when Our Lord will appear with Our Lady at His side, to fulfill, perhaps His greatest promise: “I will be your reward exceedingly great.”

So, man will first be judged immediately at death, when his body is still warm.   Aided by Our Lady’s mercy, he will be sentenced according to his love for and union with God, not by his position in the eyes of men.  Then he shall see God face-to-face.

Man will be judged a second time, when the Son of Man will appear like a flash of light coming from the East and settle over the valley of Jehosaphat, where all men from all times will be gathered.

They will see Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Majesty, Divinity, Goodness and Mercy.  They will also see Our Lady inundated with light.  She will appear in her grandeur and sweetness that is so great, that even then, man will be unable to comprehend it.

Then, she will smile at all the elect, but particularly at those consecrated to her as slaves of love according to the method of Saint Louis de Montfort.  She will love these gratuitously without them meriting her love in any way.


Then, together with her, they will sing the Magnificat…

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