Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Marvelous story: how Our Lady answers our prayers

One of our volunteers, a convert from Alabama had this beautiful story to tell.  He spoke with a lady whose husband had recently died. 

    She was writing her thoughts on paper to her deceased husband telling him that without him she was looking for some kind of work to serve Our Lady.  As she was writing this, Bill, our volunteer called and she answered. 

    She happily signed up to become a rally captain.  Our Lady responded so fast to her earnest desire that she didn't even have to finish her letter, before America Needs Fatima called on behalf of Our Lady.

    This is an example of the importance of the work of the Public Square Rosary.  Our Lady desires that we offer prayer and reparation to Her Immaculate Heart.  She desires this so much, that sometimes She acts in marvelous ways as with the above rally captain. 

    Will you respond to Our Lady's call?  Will you become a rosary rally captain too?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ritchie
    Thank you for your apostolate about Our Lady. It is necessary to spread this devotion in our country.
    Marcos Costa
