Friday, September 4, 2009

2,841 rally captains get ready -- beautiful conversion story!

    It is very common for Lucifer to tempt us with discouragement when we do not always see the fruits of our actions.

    Won't you help Our Lady crush the head of the serpent by becoming a rally captain?  Please call us at (866) 584 - 6012.


    When we act out of love for Our Lord and Our Lady there is always, and I repeat always a movement of grace, even if imperceptible by us.  We know this from the Gospels, from the Acts of the Apostles, from the Epistles and from endless accounts in the history of the Church.  Our Lord Who hears all, hears even our smallest petitions.  He also sees all, even our smallest acts of love.   

    Imagine the joy that being a rally captain brings to Our Lord and to His Blessed Mother.  In my opinion whether your rally is large or small it brings a tremendous joy to the Trinity and to Our Lady the Co-Redemptrix.

    Why does it bring them so much joy and consolation?  Look at it this way.  There are approximately 300 million people in the United States.  Our goal is 4,000 rally captains.  4,000 rally captains is a lot, however when compared to 300 million it is a small percentage. 

    The brave and devoted souls who organize public rosaries are influencing the history of our nation.  Often times we do not see what we would consider to be a tangible result.  But I have absolute confidence that heaven is moved and that graces of repentance and conversion are poured out upon our country as a result.

    Here is just one very concrete example.  One of our volunteers from Pennsylvania spoke with a woman who had left her Catholic Faith. She was driving one day and passed by a small public square rosary sponsored by America Needs Fatima in her community.  She was moved by seeing the people praying the rosary and by the beautiful banner.  As a result, she began her journey back to the faith.

    The next year she joined that local public square rosary and guess what, this year she signed up to become a rally captain!

    So, you see, the public square rosary has a tremendous impact on heaven and on public opinion.

    Resist the devil with Hail Mary's when he tries to convince you that your public square rosary really makes no difference. 

    At the last judgement we will all see the tremendous good that your public square rosary did for who knows how many souls.

    The devil tempts us with discouragement only because he is harmed by the public rosaries.  If he did not consider the public rosaries to be a threat he would not interfere by trying to discourage us,or by putting other obstacles in our paths.

    This year our volunteer office has been plagued with all sorts of difficulties and trials.  Our computers have crashed, our phone systems have acted up.  In fact our phone technician told us that he has never experienced the kinds of problems that we have experienced in our phone system.  One of the families who traveled here to volunteer became ill for an entire week with the flu.  Just today, the eyeglasses of one of our volunteers just broke.

   We don't let these little tactics of the devil discourage us, in fact we push harder than ever to enlist more and more rally captains.  Some of our volunteers even take names back to the apartments with them to call during their free time.

    Won't you help Our Lady crush the head of the serpent by becoming a rally captain?  Please call us at (866) 584 - 6012.

    Our current count of rally captains is 2,841!

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