Did you hear about a new Brazilian law that would turn the country into a veritable homosexual dictatorship?
Well, it goes so far as to threaten anyone who tries to prevent the public exercise of homosexual acts (“manifestations of affection”), with up to five years in prison.
Priests who preach against homosexuality and parents who fire homosexual babysitters would also fall victim to imprisonment under the new law.
It has already passed the Brazilian House and is being debated in the Senate. If it becomes law in Brazil, it would certainly empower the homosexual movement and could prove disastrous in countries around the world.
Click here to read: “The World Watches as Brazil Advances Toward a Homosexual Dictatorship,” by Luís Solimeo.
Or read the full article here:
The World Watches as Brazil Advances Toward a Homosexual Dictatorship
Written by Luiz Sérgio Solimeo
Thursday, July 24 2008

In 2008, Sao Paulo, Brazil hosted the largest homosexual pride parade ever.
A bill, already approved in Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies and currently being debated in the Senate, demonstrates the type of dictatorship the homosexual movement would like to impose on the Christian world. If this bill were to become law it would punish with imprisonment, anyone who criticizes homosexual ideology or practice. This would empower the homosexual movement worldwide, thus reinforcing their plans here in America.
Similarly, it uncovers the true goals of the homosexual movement, and, is thus of pivotal importance to freedom-loving people around the globe.
Religious Persecution
Bishop Redovino Rizzardo, of Dourados, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, warned about the bill:
“The Federal Senate is evaluating Projected Bill 122/2006, intended to protect those who choose to adopt homosexual attitudes and practices. .... If approved, the bill would hinder the Catholic Church, which strives to follow the Gospel. Thus, a priest who condemns homosexuality in his homily may be judged for ‘causing moral, ethical, philosophical or psychological embarrassment.’ A decision by a seminary rector to refuse admittance to a homosexual student could bring him three to four years in jail.”[1]
Homosexuality: Not a Source of Rights
Fr. Luiz Carlos Lodi da Cruz, a distinguished opponent of abortion and homosexuality, published an article against the bill. In it, he shows how the bill fits into the process of systematic anti-life and anti-family offensives by the socialist President Luís Inácio Lula da Silva’s government, in direct conflict with the fundamental principles of Catholic morality.
In his article, titled “The Lula Government and the Combat against Chastity,” Fr. Lodi da Cruz makes a connection between the pro-abortion and homosexual movements:
“In the Lula government, the pro-abortion cause, that attacks human life, walks hand-in-hand with the pro-homosexual cause, that attacks the virtue of chastity on which the family is built. Since the beginning of 2003, the government has been actively pursuing an agenda, both domestically and with the international community (UN and OAS), to glorify homosexuality and treat those who oppose homosexual conduct as (homophobic) criminals.”[2]
After presenting a chronological list of all the pro-homosexual measures the Lula government has taken, Fr. Lodi da Cruz analyzes the bill that would make homosexuality a source of privilege:
“What does it mean? It means that in addition to the basic rights guaranteed by the Federal Constitution to all people, those who practice homosexuality will also have rights by virtue of the homosexuality they practice. The bill grants rights to homosexuals, not in their capacity as persons but in their capacity as homosexuals. Now then, homosexuality (understood as the practice of carnal intercourse between persons of the same sex) is a vice against nature that cannot grant any rights whatsoever to anyone.”[3]
Vice is Transformed into a Source of Merit
Similarly, attorney Maria das Dores Dolly Guimarães, president of the Sao Paulo Federation of Movements to Defend Life, comments that, according to the bill, “homosexuality would cease being a vice and become a source of merit. Likewise, anyone daring to criticize homosexual conduct would be criminalized.”[4]
Further on, she emphasizes: “Christians will be the first ones to suffer persecution.”
She exemplifies this with some of the bill’s provisions:
“The proposed legislation intends to punish with 2 to 5 years imprisonment, anyone who dares prohibit or prevent the public practice of an obscene act (‘manifestation of affection’) by homosexuals (art. n.º 7).” The same punishment would befall a housewife who fires her children’s babysitter upon finding out she is a lesbian (art. n.º 4).
“A priest who condemns homosexuality in his sermon could be prosecuted as per article n.º 8: ‘causing ... ethical, philosophical or psychological embarrassment,’” and “the rector of a seminary who rejects a homosexual student could be condemned with 3 to 5 years in jail (art. n.º 5).”[5]
“The Gay Gag Law”
This proposed bill has become known in Brazil as the “Gay Gag Law” since, if approved, it would make any condemnation or criticism of homosexual practice illegal.
That is precisely the title of a study by lawyer Paulo Medeiros Krause: “The Gay Gag Law, Gay Super-rights, Unconstitutionality and Totalitarianism,”[6] in which he states:
“The projected bill is flagrantly unconstitutional and beckons the implantation of totalitarianism and State ideological terrorism, in blatant violation of the rights of equality, free expression of one’s thought, inviolability of freedom of conscience and belief, non-discrimination for reasons of religious, philosophical or political beliefs, and a violation of due process, material or substantive (art. 5.º, caput, IV, VI, VIII, LIV, of the [Brazilian] Constitution).”[7]
In another article on the same topic, Dr. Krause shows the ideological Marxism underlying the projected bill:
“What is really behind the projected bill is an attempt to impose as dogma, the morality and naturalness of homosexuality. This dogma is not scientific, but has a Marxist ideological origin. Denying this supposed truth would become punishable by penal law. Nothing could be more aggressive or inadmissible. It is policing ideology. … Obviously, law could never oblige anyone to accept papal infallibility, and yet, this law would impose the dogma of the infallibility of [the Marxist thinkers] Erich Fromm and Herbert Marcuse on all Brazilians.” [8]
Homosexuality is not a “Gender” but a Behavior
Prof. Uziel Santana, of the Federal University of Sergipe, explains in a simple and categorical fashion why the “Gay Gag Law” is unconstitutional:
“Why is Projected Bill 122/2006 unconstitutional? It is unconstitutional because art. 5º of the Federal Constitution establishes, as a first and fundamental right and guarantee, that “men” and “women” have equal rights and obligations. Thus, the Constitution does not recognize a third gender: the homosexual one. So, how can an ordinary bill attempt to establish super-rights for and the impossibility of criticizing those who, as homosexuals, are not even recognized by the Constitution? Whether they like it or not, they are only men or women to our Magna Charta.”[9]

Brazil: the world’s first Homosexual Dictatorship?
Implantation of a Police State
It is fitting to finish this analysis on the danger of Brazil becoming the world’s first Homosexual Dictatorship with a comment by the above-quoted Bishop of Dourados, Most Rev. Redovino Rizzato. One can only imagine the repercussions this would have in the rest of the world:
“From every indication, when the bill is voted into law, in addition to all the basic rights the Federal Constitution guarantees to all Brazilian citizens, homosexuals will have privileges and advantages derived from their sexual choice. In contrast, all those who do not agree with homosexual behavior will either have to keep quiet or to get ready to occupy a cell in one of the country’s prisons.”[10]
Most. Rev. Redovino Rizzardo, “Quem são os discriminados?” Diário M.S., July 3, 2008 at http://www.diarioms.com.br/leitura.php?can_id=15&id=77078#. (Our translation)
Fr. Luiz Carlos Lodi da Cruz, “O governo Lula e o combate à castidade” at http://www.providaanapolis.org.br/govlucas.htm. (Our translation)
http://dihitt.com.br/noticia/lei-da-homofobia-no-senado-para-aprovacao-polemica/quem_votou?r=. (Our translation.
Paulo Medeiros Krause, “A lei da mordaça gay, os superdireitos gays, inconstitucionalidade e totalitarismo” at http://www.cleofas.com.br/virtual/texto.php?doc=OPINIAO&id=opi0272. (Our translation)
Paul Medeiros Krause, “A inconstitucionalidade do projeto de lei da homofobia (PLC nº 122/2006) e o estado totalitário marxista,” at http://jus2.uol.com.br/doutrina/texto.asp?id=10468. (Our translation)
Uziel Santana, “Projeto de Lei 122/2006: inconstitucional, ilegítimo e heterofóbico,” at http://www.scribd.com/doc/210778/Projeto-1222006-Inconstitucional-Ilegitimo-e-Heterofobico-Parte-4?autodown=doc. (Our translation)
Most Rev. Redovino Rizzardo, ibid.