At least 11,000 students and concerned parents have petitioned the Catholic University of Detroit Mercy to remove links to abortion promoters from its web site. So far the request has not been granted. Links to Planned Parenthood and the National Organization for Women (NOW) are still listed in two places: “career & professional resources” and “external sites of interest.”
TFP Student Action will continue its peaceful protest.
The average internet savvy webmaster could remove these pro-abortion links with ease in less than five minutes. Yet this Jesuit-Mercy university has not removed them so far, thus giving scandal to students who are faithful to Catholic teaching on abortion. The university’s seeming unwillingness to remove these links might be related to another troubling discovery.
Pro-abortion nun: Sister Margaret A. Farley.
Wolf in Nun's Habit?
Sister Margaret A. Farley, RSM is a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Detroit Mercy. Over the years, she has taken positions favorable to abortion, same-sex “marriage,” sterilization of women, divorce and the ordination of women to the priesthood. Sister Farley, who taught Christian ethics at Yale Divinity School, is well known for her radical feminist ideas and open dissent from Church teaching.1
In 1984 she co-signed an ad in The New York Times by Catholics for Free Choice challenging Catholic teaching on procured abortion. “Statements of recent Popes and of the Catholic hierarchy have condemned the direct termination of pre-natal life as morally wrong in all instances. There is a mistaken belief in American society that this is the only legitimate Catholic position,” reads part of the statement.
Another co-signer of the ad is long-time Detroit Mercy faculty member Prof. Jane Schaberg, author of the blasphemous book, The Illegitimacy of Jesus.
Although the Vatican and the American Catholic Bishops2 called the signers of the ad on the carpet urging them to recant, the warning seems to have made no lasting impression on Sister Farley or Prof. Schaberg who continue to promote abortion and unorthodox ideas.
More Reasons to Pray & Protest
Sister Farley, for example, wrote Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics. Published in 2006, the book distorts Catholic moral teaching beyond recognition, presenting sins against nature in a positive light. And yet she is listed as a member of the Board of Trustees at the Catholic University of Detroit Mercy. (See listing here)
What type of faith-damaging message does this send to Catholic college students? How can we expect the next generation to respect innocent life when professors like Dr. Jane Schaberg and board members like Sister Farley publicly reject Church teaching and Natural Law on procured abortion?
Remove Dissident Nun
TFP Student Action invites its members – students and parents – to respectfully speak out against this scandal, to be the voice of the unborn that clamor for justice, and oppose the sin of abortion. Let us continue politely urging the University of Detroit Mercy to remove its web site links to abortion promoters.
And as we renew and intensify this peaceful protest, let us also ask for the removal of pro-abortion Sister Margaret A. Farley from the university's Board of Trustees.
Please note: Always be respectful and polite when contacting members of the hierarchy.
The Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit
Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron
1234 Washington Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-237-5816
Fax: 313-237-4642
University of Detroit Mercy
Rev. Gerard L. Stockhausen, S.J.
4001 W. McNichols Road – FAC 500
Detroit, MI 48221
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: 313-993-1455
Fax: 313-993-1534
Wow! Such a scandal. Women making a choice or at least having an option to make a choice. Yea yea I know how could a college provide a link.
ReplyDeleteGee I thought we already went through the middle ages. Bring out the torture chambers.
And we think Muslims, or Orthodox Jews, or Mormons or any other group is weird because of their beliefs. Yet it seem all seem to want to dictate to women how they should act and what they should know.
Remember what a controversy it was to teach sex education in public schools. Did we all go to Hell? Actually don't answer that.
Anyway I don't think it is a scandal for UD to try to act as if it were the 21st century.