Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10 ------------- The 40 Martyrs of Sebaste

    In the year 320, a garrison of 40 Roman soldiers were stationed in the town of Sebaste in Armenia.  All were Catholic and together they were whipped, tortured and imprisoned in an effort of the Emperor to have them worship the pagan gods. 

When they remained intransigent, the Emperor devised a hideous plan to get them to submit.  All 40 men were placed in a frozen lake and left there throughout the night.  In the morning, all but one received the crown of martyrdom.  The youngest, Melito, was still alive although close to death. 

His mother approached as he lay frozen and barely breathing. As their eyes met, Melito's mother gently encouraged her son,"Go, go my son, proceed to the end of this happy journey with your companions, that you might not be the last of them that present themselves before God." 

What a mother!  What a son!  One is reminded of the Passion. Our Lady followed Our Lord throughout His suffering and death on Calvary.  She immolated herself while supporting the Supreme Immolation of her Son.  Love reaches the pinnacle of Sacrifice.

Let us ask the 40 faithful martyrs of Sebaste to give us the spirit which puts God first even unto death if need be.

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