Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 13 --- St. Euphrasia, Virgin

Antigonus, the father of St. Euphrasia, was a an aristocrat in the court of the Emperor Theodosius, who honored him with noble positions because of the alignment of their families.  He was married to an illustrious lady known for her birth and virtue. 

Their only child , Euphrasia, by example of her excellent parents, was schooled in the path of chastity and piety.

Therefore, it was natural that upon her father's untimely death, Euphrasia asked to be permitted to become a religious in the community which her mother already emulated.

At seven years old, Euphrasia, holding an image of Our Lord, consecrated herself to her Heavenly Spouse.  Weeping with joy, her mother said, "Lord Jesus Christ, receive this child under Your special protection. You alone doth she love and seek: to You doth she recommend herself."

After her mother's holy death, St. Euphrasia carried out her mother's admonition" to be humble and poor in spirit on earth in order that you may be rich in Heaven." She became a living example of obedience and humility among her monastic sisters. If she should find herself assaulted by temptation, she immediately asked her superior for a penitential remedy. In this way, she would vanquish the devil and remain in a peaceful state. St. Euphrasia died in the year 410 at thirty years old.

When reading the lives of the saints, we constantly are reminded of the importance of the good example of parents in rearing their children in the path of sanctity. As role models, parents have the grave responsibility to instruct  and to form their offspring as children of God.  In their early years, children understand much more from watching than from listening.  Here is where the foundation takes place.

Let us ask, St. Euphrasia for the grace always be a perfect role model for the youth.  When we fall from this mark, may we have the humility to turn to God and ask Him for the Divine remedy.

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