Sunday, August 19, 2012

Statue of Our Lady has head sliced off

Published on St. Louis Review (

The statue, a "signature" feature of St. Mary of Victories, was vandalized sometime late Aug. 9 or early the next morning -- the head was sliced off and was missing.  On Aug. 13, people coming to an early Monday morning Mass found the head returned to the bottom of the pedestal, with Satanic inscriptions in red and blood drawn dripping from the corners of Our Lady's mouth to make her look like a vampire. Father Harrison described it as "a horrible act of desecration."

See more here:

1 comment:

  1. I feel so sorry for the people who did that to only the statue of Our Lady.
    What they are missing from human earthy life!!AND their everylasting life with God.!!!! The devil makes his mark on those who will listen.
