Monday, October 5, 2009

Last minute checklist helps captains gear up for the 3rd annual rosary rally

    The 3rd annual public square rosary rally is only days away. 

You may have been prepared for a long time, or maybe you are just getting everything in order, or perhaps you just signed up recently as a rally captain.

    Here is a checklist of "to do" items for your public square rosary.

1.  Select a good public location.  Find a place where there is a public sidewalk either on a busy street, or even better, at a busy intersection.  Since this is a public rosary, the ideal is to have as many members of the public as possible see your rally and hear your prayers.

    If for some reason you are not able to find such a place, do the best that you can under the circumstances. 

2.  Invite your family and friends.  Your rally can be quite large or small.  What matters to Our Lady is that you hold your rally.  If the response to your requests is not as good as you expected, don't worry, proceed with whomever is able to attend.  Our Lady will be pleased with your efforts.  Remember, Our Lord was practically alone during His Passion, yet He did not drop His cross. 

3. If you requested one, a banner should have been sent to you.  If you haven't already, it is good to open it.  Inside the shipping tube will be your banner, plus a rally captain manual which will include the program.

    Please photocopy as many copies of the program that you will need.  You can also download the program from our website at  and then print it up.

    Please follow the program. Imagine, over 4,000 public square rosary rallies all being prayed in unison with the same hymns and prayers.  If we all follow the program the public rosaries will truly be a united prayer to Our Lady.

    If for some reason your banner did not arrive, or it was damaged, have confidence in Our Lady.  The most important part of the rally is you and the participants who will join you.  The banner obviously adds to the rally, but what causes Our Lady to smile from heaven will be you the individual praying publicly to Her. 

    The banners will be the same all over America, however each rally captain and participant will be unique in the eyes of Our Lady. There is only one you among all of the people who have ever lived, or who will ever live on this earth. Our Lady will always remember you, in your uniqueness for the gift you will be giving to Her this Saturday.

    There are additional supplies available at our website, such as sign designs that you can have printed up at your local copy center.

4. Delegate.  Ask family or friends to help with various tasks.  Ask them to bring lawn chairs for the elderly.  Ask them to bring extra rosaries for those who might not have one, or for a passerby who might stop by and join you.  Ask them to make signs and bring them.

    A good way to get people whom you have invited to show up is to call them ahead of time and ask them to lead a specific decade of the rosary.  Even if you are a veteran at all of this, remember how nervous a person can be about praying the rosary in public.  Giving them something to do will help to secure their commitment.

5.  Take an inventory of all of your materials and load them into your vehicle either the night before, or first thing the morning of the tenth.  When a person rushes, it is not uncommon to forget something.

6.  If the weather is going to be hot, bring some water for the participants.  If it is going to be cold, bring some blankets for those who might not be as prepared for the weather.

7.  Arrive early.  I recommend arriving one half hour before your rally.  If a participant is a little bit nervous about attending and they drive by and no one is there they might just keep on driving. If they see someone there they will be much more likely to stop and join you.

8.  Most importantly of all, bring your rosary!

    If you have any last minute questions don't hesitate to call us at (866) 584 - 6012.

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