By Rex Teodosio
On December 8, 2010,
Bishop Ricken gave approval
to the 1859 apparitions of Our Lady to Sr. Adele Brise, making these
apparitions the first ever to be approved in the United States. An
essential part of the approval dealt with the Peshtigo Fire miracle
cited by the bishop in his declaration. It is impossible to gauge how
incredible this miracle was without understanding the intensity of the
Peshtigo Fire of 1871.
Armed with a book called, The Great Peshtigo Fire: An Eyewitness
Account, by Father Peter Pernin, I and a fellow America Needs Fatima
custodian traced the footsteps of the priest as he recounts his amazing
experience, his unbelievable survival and his witness of not just one
but two Peshtigo Fire miracles.
Father Peter Pernin and His Missions

Peter Pernin was the parish priest of the cities of Peshtigo and
Marinette, both in Wisconsin, and Cedar River, Michigan. Peshtigo was a
small growing community due to a logging company and other enterprises
including a factory producing tubs and buckets. The population of
Peshtigo was about 2,000 souls. In addition to this population, the work
brought in numerous temporary workers.
On October 7, 1871, the day before the fire, Father Pernin was
scheduled to go to Cedar River by steamboat which was roughly 25 miles
north of Marinette along the shore. It never came. In reality, it did
pass by the wharf but owing to the dense smoke about the dock area, the
captain decided it was too dangerous to make the stop. It was the first
sign of divine intervention since he would have been stranded in Cedar
River and perished in the fire with the entire city the following day.
He returned to Peshtigo that evening.
The day the fire began was a Sunday and Father Pernin was intent on
proceeding to Marinette by horseback to celebrate the Mass as was
The Catholics in Peshtigo argued forcefully that it was too dangerous
and he conceded to stay. Much smoke and the sound of crackling
continued to be seen and heard from a distance.
Premonition of the Calamity
Up until the early evening of the 8th, Father Pernin did not feel
compelled to prepare for a calamity. There was danger in the air and
everyone felt it. However, there were monitors assigned to watch over
the region for dangers of forest fire. They were entrusted to warn the
city of any impending danger. Since no warning had come, Father Pernin
felt that everyone’s feelings of dread, including his, were irrational.

only felt the first premonition of a great danger at around 8:00 in the
evening. He was walking with his neighbor on her land when suddenly
“some old trunks of trees blaze out though without seeing about them any
tokens of cinder or spark, just as if the wind had been a breath of
fire, capable of kindling them into a flame by its mere contact.” The
wind had been faltering until then, blowing at one moment, abating on
the next, then suddenly gusting. Off to the west, they saw “a dense
cloud of smoke over-hanging the earth, a vivid red reflection of immense
extent, and then suddenly struck on my ear, strangely audible in the
preternatural silence reigning around, a distant roaring, yet muffled
sound, announcing that the elements were in commotion somewhere.”
Father Pernin made up his mind. A great calamity is coming. It was
time to prepare for the worst. Little did he know how providential that
decision was.
Preparation for the Calamity
At about half past eight, he freed his horse, judging that it was the
best he could do for him. He then dug a six-foot-deep trench and buried
his chest, the church’s books and precious belongings in it.
His neighbor, Mrs. Tyler, who was hosting a party, approached him and
asked, “Father, do you think there is any danger?” “I do not know,” he
replied, “but I have unpleasant presentiments, and feel myself impelled
to prepare for trouble.” “But, if a fire breaks out, Father, what are we
to do?” “In that case, Madam, seek the river at once.” Mrs. Tyler and
her family followed the priest’s instruction and were saved. All of Mrs.
Tyler’s party guests, except two, perished.
The Tabernacle
Father Pernin then turned his attention to saving the Blessed
Sacrament. It was shortly past 9:00 and the wind had picked up. The
redness in the sky deepened. The roaring sound seemed to be almost upon
him. Even when surrounded by grave danger, he never let the Blessed
Sacrament out of his mind. “Object of all objects,” Father Pernin wrote,
“precious, priceless, especially in the eyes of a priest.” The calamity
seemed about to fall on him. In his haste, he dropped the key to the
tabernacle. So he decided to take the tabernacle on his hand cart. He
exited the church and immediately a strong gust of wind began blowing
with the strength of a hurricane clearing away the gate, the planks and
fencing from his path. All he had to do now was to make it to the river.
The Struggle to Make It to Safety
The wind was so strong it pushed him against the building across the
street. He struggled to stay on his feet. He tripped several times on
his way to the river. Once, it was over a mother and a daughter who had
succumbed to the fire. Another time, he lost his balance due to the
wind. When trying to get back on his feet, he felt a horse nuzzle his
shoulder. It was his own horse, trembling from fear. Pull as he might,
the horse never budged. It stayed frozen in its spot only to be found
some days later devoured by the fire.

was still a few blocks away from the bridge. “The air was no longer fit
to breathe, full as it was of sand, dust, ashes, cinders, sparks, smoke
and fire.” The bridge was mess of people fleeing. Those from the east
side thought it was safer on the west. Those from the west thought it
safe on the east. Each side pushed through the other. There were “a
thousand discordant deafening noises” all about: “…the neighing of
horses, falling of chimneys, crashing of uprooted trees, roaring and
whistling of the wind, crackling of fire as it ran with lightning-like
rapidity from house to house.”
Father Pernin noted that all matter of sounds could be heard with the
exception of the human voice. “People seemed stricken dumb by terror,”
he wrote. “They jostled each other without exchanging look, word, or
counsel. The silence of the tomb reigned among the living; nature alone
lifted up its voice and spoke.” And spoke it did in a spectacular
Father Pernin pushed the wagon containing the tabernacle into the
river as much as he dared. It was made of wood. It was at high risk of
catching fire, but he could not push it deeper in the river. The
tabernacle was not waterproof. To submerge it entirely in water would
also submerge the Blessed Sacrament. It was the best he could do.
He moved upstream where he awaited his fate. People lined both banks
of the river “as far as the eye could see.” They survived the night by
being partially immersed in the water and constantly splashing water
over their heads.
The Intensity of the Fire
The river where Father Pernin waded was about 400 feet wide. The air
was full of flames which darted back and forth across the span of the
river all night long. Clothing and quilt, used as coverings, would burst
into flames if the people neglected to splash water over them. “The
river was bright,” he wrote, “brighter than by day.” It was painful to
expose head or hand above the water. He looked around him and “saw
nothing but flames; houses, trees, and the air itself were on fire…above
my head, as far as the eye could reach into space, alas! Too
brilliantly lighted, I saw nothing but immense volumes of flames
covering the firmament, clouds driven wildly hither and thither by the
fierce power of the tempest.”
Were one to describe the firestorm of hell, this description must
necessarily be a point of reference. No adjective best defines this
scene other than infernal.
After several hours, as Father Pernin ventured to get out of the
water to check the temperature, his shoulders scarcely out of the water,
someone shouted, “Father, beware, you are on fire!”
A lady who remained close to him asked, “Father, do you not think
this is the end of the world?” “I do not think so,” he replied, “but if
other countries are burned as ours seems to have been, the end of the
world, at least for us, must be at hand.”
They stood in the cold waters of the river for about five and a half hours.
The aftermath gave more indication of the intensity of the
conflagration. Many buildings, including the church, were burned to the
ground. When the priest retrieved his vestments, they seemed to have
been preserved by the fire. He cleared the dirt around them and tried to
lift them up. They came undone. The cloth had been reduced to ash.
Father Pernin himself wrote that the intensity of the fire was such
that not only did it burn the trees to the ground, it had burned the
very stump of the trees. And, most unbelievable, it burned the very root
system of the trees. When he placed his hand in one of these holes on
the ground, his hand came away with nothing but ashes.
According to an online science website, the temperature of a bonfire
can reach over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. For reference, the melting
point for gold is 1,945 degrees. The burning of 1.4 million acres of
forest and cyclic hurricane-strength winds must have created the perfect
condition to reach at least that temperature, if not more. It is
impossible to calculate the total sum of heat produced by the Great
Peshtigo Fire. In about twenty-four hours, it burned 1.4 million acres
of forest to the ground.
Miracle #1: The Miracle of the Tabernacle
Days later, when the good priest recovered his sight and was well
enough to walk around, he returned to Peshtigo to administer to the
injured, the dying and the dead. A parishioner approached him and asked;
“Father, do you know what has happened to your tabernacle?” “No, what
is it?” “Come quickly then, and see. Oh! Father, it is a great miracle!”
At the spot where Father Pernin had left the tabernacle, he saw the
wagon had fallen to its side. Doubtless it was blown over by the storm.
The tabernacle, however,
stood on one of the logs floating in the water.

in the vicinity of this spot had been blackened or charred by the
flames: logs, trunks, boxes, nothing had escaped, yet, strange to say,
there rose the tabernacle, intact in its snowy whiteness, presenting a
wonderful contrast to the grimy blackness of the surrounding objects.”
Father Pernin left the tabernacle there for several days for all to
see. It was a testimony of the power of the Blessed Sacrament. Exposed
to heat that could melt metal, this wooden tabernacle stood untouched by
the infernal flames, preserved in its immaculate whiteness. Numbers
came and saw. “The Catholics generally regarded the fact as a miracle,
and it was spoken of near and far, attracting great attention,” he
The tabernacle can be found today either at St. Mary’s Church or in the Fire Museum in Peshtigo.
Miracle #2: The Miracle of the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help
Weeks after the fire, Father Pernin heard of an incredible account of
a shrine which had been preserved from the fire. He had seen what
devastation the fire had wrought in Peshtigo. It seemed improbable that a
chapel, a schoolhouse and the property found in the middle of the
forest could survive such a firestorm. He decided to visit it himself
and see with his own eyes. This eyewitness account was written in his
other book titled,
The Finger of God Is There!
In 1859, Our Lady appeared to a young girl, Adele Brise (pronounced
like “ice”). Her confessor counseled her to heed the apparition’s
request which was to catechize children so they will know their faith
and avoid punishment. There was also a call to conversion for sinners.
The girl grew to be a nun. Sister Adele suffered much persecution,
but she obeyed Our Lady’s request and opened a chapel and schoolhouse on
a six-acre piece of land donated for this purpose. It was the very site
of Our Lady’s apparition. Twelve years later, the Peshtigo Fire
threatened this small parcel of land dedicated to Our Lady. Surely, the
inhabitants saw the same red glow Father Pernin described in his
account. Surely, they heard the same noise that seemed like the roar of a
thousand angry dragons. Surely, they felt the same premonition and the
same decision to prepare for the worst. So they did. Many families took
what belongings they could carry, what livestock they could drive, and
went to the shrine.
It seems irrational to seek refuge from a forest fire in a wooden
chapel. It seems more rational to flee, as the survivors in Peshtigo had
done, to the closest body of water. After all, the waters of the bay
were only 3.5 miles away. Perhaps it wasn’t physical safety they sought,
but supernatural. There the faithful were on the late evening of
October 8, 1871, pressing upon three simple nuns the duty to protect
them from the impending calamity.
The nuns placed their trust in Our Lady. They put a statue of Our
Lady on a carrier. They processed around the property praying the rosary
out loud. They did not stay in the chapel. They prayed outside to
confront the very danger where it threatened them. When the fire, heat
and smoke became so oppressive on one side of the property, they moved
to another. Despite the danger and their fear,
they refused to stop praying the rosary.
After hours of praying, confronting the conflagration, suddenly a
downpour of rain came and doused the fire. Thus ended the Great Peshtigo
Fire, the deadliest fire in American history.
This happened on the morning of October 9th,
the very anniversary of Our Lady’s third apparition to Sister Adele Brise.

Father Pernin wrote in
The Finger of God Is There!,
“Morning's light revealed the deplorable ravages wrought by the
conflagration. All the houses and fences in the neighborhood had been
burned, with the exception of the school, the chapel and fence
surrounding the six acres of land consecrated to the Blessed Virgin.
This paling had been charred in several places, but the fire, as if it
had been a sentient being, whilst consuming everything in the vicinity,
the winding path surrounding the enclosure being only eight or ten feet
wide, had respected this spot, sanctified by the visible presence of the
Mother of God, and, it now shone cut, like an emerald island in a sea
of ashes.”
With this retelling, the words of Bishop Ricken in pronouncing the
authenticity of the apparitions of Our Lady of Good Help may gain new
significance to many. He said: “Our Lady has lessened or relieved the
burdens of the People of God, whether about financial, familial,
relationship or employment matters or even through
diminishing inclement and tempestuous weather.
This holy place was preserved from the infamous Peshtigo Fire of 1871,
when many of the faithful gathered here with Adele and prayed through
the intercession of Our Lady of Good Help, with the result that the fire
that devastated everything in its wake in this entire area
stopped when it reached the parameters of the Shrine.”
[Accents ours]
2018: Two Fatima Custodians Retrace the Footsteps of Father Pernin

Shibler, a fellow America Needs Fatima custodian, and I read Father
Pernin’s book with focused interest. We compared notes and discussed
conclusions. To the best of our abilities we retraced the footsteps of
Father Peter Pernin.
It was partially an adventure to discover where Father Pernin’s
church had been and where he dug the ground to bury his chest, the
church’s books and precious belongings. We crossed the same bridge he
crossed, assessed where he must have stayed in the water, and where he
left the wagon with the Blessed Sacrament. We stood at the banks where
the Miracle of the Tabernacle may have happened and said a prayer. It
was a reminder to us that even at the height of a chastisement, the
impossible can happen. All the furies of hell cannot touch the Church
symbolized by the tabernacle, which, of course, is understood by
Catholics as the tent or abode of God.
We followed his footsteps partially, too, as a pilgrimage. We stood
on the grounds where the faithful prayed their rosary procession. This
is the ground where the three little nuns armed with nothing but their
beads and a statue of Our Lady faced the infernal storm that consumed
1.4 million acres, except for the six-acre property dedicated to Mary.
It was with exciting realization that this may have been the first
public square rosary procession in American history, something America
Needs Fatima has been honored to promote.
Hope in Face of the Coming Punishment Predicted at Fatima
It was with awe that we prayed in the chapel. Because of the
thousands of talks about the message of Fatima Matthew and I had given
as custodians these past several decades, the chastisement prophesied by
Our Lady of Fatima was very present in our minds.
When this great punishment comes because of mankind’s sins, will we
simply seek physical safety or will we turn to Our Lady? Full of
confidence and staring down the chastisement, armed with nothing more
than our trust and devotion to Mary, we will see her prophesy fulfilled
“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”