Monday, November 2, 2009

Fatima Custodian Celso Costa sends greetings and message from Brazil:

I am the Custodian of the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima of Louisiana.  In the city of Lafayette we have our regional center. In the center we have a special place for the statue when She is not traveling.

From Lafayette I reach all the state of Louisiana, part of Texas, Arkansas and Mississippi. Every year I take active participation in the Rosary Rallies. On October 10 I took the Pilgrim Lady to Houston where I had the opportunity to have Her present in two rallies.

I am proud of the results of the October 10th Public Square Rosary Rallies. Forty three hundred and more rallies are an impressive result. The reports on the America Needs Fatima website ( show us that there is hope for our country.

On October 15 I traveled to Brazil. Here in the city of Sao Paulo we have the headquarters of the “Associacao dos Fundadores da TFP” (The Association of the Founders of the TFP), the oldest and first TFP (Tradition, Family and Property) of a family of 24 sister organizations around the world. They have been working for decades spreading the message of Our Lady of Fatima and waging the spiritual and doctrinal battle against Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Fascism and their kindred variations worldwide.

I am having the opportunity of visiting with my relatives (I am American citizen, but I was born in Brazil) and attend most interesting meetings at the Association of the Founders.  Here also we wage the battle against socialist anti-family laws.

When Our Lady said at Fatima that “Russia will spread its errors throughout the world” She was speaking about the errors of Communism that would contaminate every nation. Since the essence of Communism is the most radical revolt against God, it creates or at least aggravates the evils that are destroying the modern societies. And the consequences are all around us: abortion, euthanasia, same sex “marriage”, laws that violate the family patrimony and private property, the unbridled desire of self-satisfaction that leads people to drug addiction, and you name it.

Fortunately Our Lady is raising the spiritual army of the Rosary captains and participants who through prayer and a growing observance of the requests She made at Fatima for the conversion of the world are forging ahead towards the accomplishment of Her promise: “In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

The official patroness of Brazil is Our Lady of Aparecida (the one who has appeared.) This devotion dates from the XVII century when fishermen were fishing in the waters of an important river near the then village of Sao Paulo, today a city of 14 million people. They depended on fishing for living and that day they caught nothing. They continue during the night without success and in the morning they caught the body of an image of Our Lady made of terracotta (dark clay). They threw the net again and caught the head of the statue.

Exhausted they returned home and the wife of one of the fishermen joined the head and the body of the statue very well and it was restored to its integrity. She put the statue on an appropriate table and placed two candles one each side of it. Suddenly the candles were lit, stayed lit for hours, and extinguished just to turn to be lit again by mysterious hands.

If I am not wrong the phenomenon repeated several times. People came to pray before the statue in ever greater number and many miracles and cures took place. The devotion spread throughout the country, a shrine (later on became a Basilica) was built for the statue and in the beginning of the XX century Pope Saint Pius X issued a decree establishing that statue under the invocation of Aparecida as official Patroness of Brazil. A town formed around the shrine, the town of Aparecida, the most popular place in the country. Brazil is a huge country and people go to visit Aparecida by the millions every year. Almost every city of Brazil has a church or shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Aparecida.

I have the list of the names of my dear friends in Jesus and Mary, the Rosary captains, which I will place at the foot of Our Lady of Aparecida, asking the Queen of Brazil to intercede for them in their every need spiritual and temporal.

Please pray for me also and for all the volunteer of TFP-America Needs Fatima so that we can see together Our Lady’s great triumph.

In Jesus and Mary,

Celso Costa"

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