Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rosary Rallies and Hope for the United States

    Is there hope for the United States?  Definitely, yes!


    Despite the sins of our nation, due to the overwhelming mercy of Our Lady, there is hope. Our Lady's desire to forgive is immeasurably great.

    History is full of examples of the blessings and protection of God when reparation is offered and true repentance occurs.

    Now let's see some examples of the mercies of God as a result of repentance.

    First, there were the chosen people at the time of Moses.  They became enslaved by the mighty Egyptians because of their infidelity to God.  A certain number prayed and beseeched God for deliverance.  Over time, God heard their sincere and profound prayers.  He commissioned Moses to act on His behalf and with great miracles He delivered His people.

    In the early Church the public prayers and apostolate of a tiny minority eventually caused the conversion of the entire and mighty Roman Empire.  At the time, who would have remotely imagined that so few could bring about the conversion of a seemingly invincible empire? 

    After the decline of the Roman empire when pagan barbarian tribes overran Europe, who would have thought that missionaries from Ireland and other Saints and Martyrs would have brought about the conversion and taming of these ruthless peoples?  These tribes converted so thoroughly that the glorious Middle Ages became the fruit of their conversion.

    Handfuls of missionaries brought about the conversion of the pagan tribes of Central and South America, bringing an entire continent into the fold of the Church. 

    What do all of the above events have in common?  First of all a profound prayer for conversion and secondly, a public proclamation of the Faith.  Talk about public, Moses even confronted the Pharaoh!  The great martyrs, saints and missionaries publicly proclaimed the faith. 

    So, the public square rosary has the potential of bringing great mercies to the United States.  If enough of us seriously publicly proclaim our faith and pray for our nation's conversion Our Lady will hear us and will then act in marvelous ways.  We should not even be surprised if She acts with great miracles at a time of Her choosing.

   Despite everything, if a nation does not repent, Our Lady will protect those who offered Her consolation and reparation.

    Noah and the ark is an early example that comes to mind.  The people of Noah's time refused to repent; as a result, God sent the flood.  However, God did protect the good, small in number though they were.  Will not God protect rally captains and participants who offer Him reparation?

    During the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, God could not find enough people to offer reparation to Him.  Due to the lack of repentance God decided to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. As with Noah, God protected and saved those who were upright and who loved God and followed His commandments.

    If you have not yet signed up to become a rally captain it still is not too late.  If enough of us publicly stand for Our Lady I am confident that She will grant the graces for conversion that our country needs.  Let us give to Our Lady enough public square rosaries so that, as in times of old, conversions can take place and our nation can become one nation under God.

    Call (866) 584 - 6012.

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