Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How dare they blaspheme Our Lady

Shocking, new blasphemous “art” display showed “Our Lady” as a prostitute & “Our Lord” as a homosexual

According to press reports, there was a new photo gallery called “Circus Christi” on display at the University of Granada, Spain, that showed the “Virgin Mary” as a prostitute, “Saint Joseph” as a camel, and “Our Lord” as a homosexual that has immoral relations with “Saint Mary Magdalene”.

Thank God, Spanish Catholics protested the blasphemous exhibit and it was taken down.  But the Holy Family was still terribly insulted and deserves a sincere apology and fitting act of reparation.

That’s why I ask you to protest “Circus Christi” so that it does not spread to others universities in Spain, or to any other place in the world. For the promoters of blasphemy need to hear how terribly offended Catholics are all across the globe.

And so, I urge you to send your instant e-protest NOW to the Rector of the University of Granada, Spain, Mr. Francisco Gonzalez Lodeiro, and to Prof. Inmaculada López Vílchez, Director of Displays at the University of Granada.

Here are their email addresses:



And here is a message that you can copy and paste into your email browser:


I cannot find words to express how deeply offended I am by the photo display “Circus Christi” that insults Our Lord, Our Lady, Saint Joseph and Saint Mary Magdalene.

According to press reports, this display was at the University of Granada, and showed the “Virgin Mary” as a prostitute, “Saint Joseph” as a camel, and “Our Lord” as a homosexual that has immoral relations with “Saint Mary Magdalene”.

It simply cuts my heart that the University of Granada had opened its doors to a photo display of such blasphemous content as this.

I am offering urgent and heartfelt prayers of reparation to the 3 Sacred Persons of the Holy Family for this immense blasphemy.

And I urge you to apologize to the Holy Family and to all Catholics for having hosted such a vile blasphemy.


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