Friday, April 15, 2011

This saint converted after being thrown from a magnificent horse into a mud puddle; he rides in many battles against the Moors

             April 15 --- St. Peter Gonzalez

Peter Gonzalez was born in 1190 in the city of Astorga, Spain.  He was a brilliant young man but vain and worldly.  As canon of the Cathedral, he was chosen to lead a procession in honor of Christmastide. 

Riding through the streets of the city on a magnificent horse, he intended to  impress all the local onlookers with his pomp and dignity.  He was greeted with voluminous applause for the elegant spectacle until the horse stumbled and threw its rider straight into a mud puddle.

Now Peter was chided with laughter and mockery.  On arising from the embarrassment, he exclaimed," How can this be? This same world that applauds me one moment, laughs at me the next.  Well, I will laugh at it in my turn. From this day onward, I will turn my back to it and seek out a better life." 

And so it was done.  St. Peter entered the austere Order of St. Dominic.  He excelled as a preacher and as a religious, accompanying King St. Ferdinand of Castile in many battles against the Moors. 

He is also known as a miracle worker who stopped the raging sea to save sailors from its peril.  St. Peter foretold his own death which took place on April 15, 1246.

Let us ask St. Peter Gonzalez for the courage and insight to see the futility of worldly applause and to seek instead the approval of Our Lady by fighting for the cause of the Catholic Church.

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