Friday, June 27, 2008

Been away last few days -- here's some "catch up" news...

I've been in Cincinnati for the rally of reparation for the blasphemous Jerry Springer: The Opera.  (I will post pictures of the rally soon.  It was awesome!)

That's why I haven't posted recently.

So, here's some "catch up" news about the 2008 Rosary rallies.  I was told we may reach 1,000 rally captains today.  Wow!  And we're not even in July yet.


    This afternoon our pastor came to our campaign office to bless our new break room as well as two new crucifixes that were hung and a large picture of Our Lady of Fatima.  Most of our volunteers then brought to Father, rosaries, medals and other religious articles for him to bless.

    After the blessings Father joined our volunteers in a delicious lunch.  Father took the time to visit with each volunteer asking them about where they had traveled from.  Several times the conversation entered into the subject of the inactivity of Catholics in general to fight the moral evils of our time. 

     Everyone recognized the importance of this Public Rosary Campaign to recharge the batteries of Catholics, to get them to stand up for Our Lady and to stand up in defiance of evil.

    When lunch ended there were even more religious articles for Father to bless.  After a pleasant goodbye it was back to the phones to sign up more rally captains.


    Today one our volunteers, Marie, spoke with a potential rally captain from Syracuse, NY.  In no time at all she went from being a potential rally captain to an enthusiastic rally captain.  She was moved by the letter she received from Mr. Robert Ritchie as well as by the rose that was attached to the letter.

    This rally captain who goes by the name of Sarah plans on having her Public Square Rosary, in a truly public square location.  She is organizing her rally to take place on the campus of Syracuse University.  That will surely have a tremendous impact on October 11th.


Talk About Enthusiasm for the Campaign!

    Today one of our volunteers spoke with a rally captain in Hawaii.  This already signed up rally captain has mailed out 6,000 postcards promoting the Public Square Rosary for October 11th. 

    Another volunteer spoke with an elderly rally captain from last year.  She distributed over 200 fliers about her rally last year.  Sadly, she was all alone for her rally.  In reality she was not alone, I am confident that Our Lady sent Her angels to  accompany to this brave soul.  We offered her encouragement as well as ideas to try to gather participants to join her this year.

    Both of these examples demonstrates the love for Our Lady as well as the courage of our rally captains.  Without such love, such initiatives would not be possible.

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