Monday, April 27, 2009

Fatima Custodians Never Tire of Serving the Queen

America Needs Fatima activities include so many facets: anti-blasphemy campaigns, Mary in Every Home programs,
petition drives in defense of traditional marriage, distributions of devotional items, and so on.



However, there is one effort that is especially important—
the continuous effort of Our Lady’s faithful Fatima Custodians who travel from coast to coast taking her statue and message to thousands of homes every year.

In a world saturated with evil and selfishness, it is more than commendable to see young men sacrificing their lives, talents, time and the comfort of their homes to live on the road, practicing
their slavery of love to the Blessed Virgin Mary, according to Saint Louis de Montfort’s method.



Our Lady’s Custodians encounter all sorts of weather and road conditions as they travel from city to city across America.

In fact, the difficulties they encounter can only be imagined by
those who have experienced their life of dedication. Cars breaking down, sickness, uncharitable treatment, financial strain and bad weather are only the beginning.

And yet, they never stop.

During these one- to two-hour visits, the Fatima Custodian delivers a short talk on Fatima’s message, displays an
audiovisual presentation, and then invites those present to pray the Rosary together.

After the Rosary, the host or hostess usually serves refreshments
while the guests converse and exchange impressions about Our Lady’s message.

Within the space of one year, several thousand visits take place and tens of thousands of people are reached with the Fatima message.

These soldiers of Mary travel hundreds of thousands of
miles. The Fatima Custodians not only take the pilgrim statue into private homes, but also visit schools, hospitals, clubs, prisons and retirement homes.

At the end of a day’s work, few men rest their heads on the pillow with clearer consciences and more joyful hearts.

For indeed, Our Lady’s Custodians have run the good race, spread the good news, left many a soul with hope in their hearts and given them better means to live ever closer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and thus all the closer to the Heart of Jesus.

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