Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Only Traditional Marriage Benefits Society

Videos from pervious crusades for marriage:



San Diego Downtown 131

(Same campaign; different city: San Diego, CA, 2008)

Volunteers with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) are touring cities and college campuses in New Hampshire and Maine rallying support for traditional marriage this week.

Distributing flyers titled “10 Reasons Why Homosexual 'Marriage' Is Harmful and Must Be Opposed,” members of the Catholic Pennsylvania-based group, TFP, are calling on New Englanders to peacefully resist the advance of the homosexual movement and protect marriage from redefinition.

“Same-sex ‘marriage’ turns the meaning of true marriage upside down,” said TFP volunteer James Bascom.

“Marriage is the stable union between a man and a woman. It’s the only proven institution that gives children moral, mental and emotional stability for proper development,” he added.

“Marriage and the family are sacred institutions that foster the common good of society,” continued Bascom. “When public authority and society in general deny true marriage’s uniqueness and vital contribution to the common good, and when individuals find legal incentives in counterfeits, then true marriage is on the road to extinction,” he said.

“I’m deeply concerned. I think the recent decisions legalizing same-sex “marriage” in Iowa and Vermont will undermine the stability of the family, harm our nation’s moral foundation and threaten the innocence of young children.”

“Parents don’t want their children in grade school to be told that the homosexual lifestyle is fine. But that’s already happening in some schools,” he said.

Visit for more information on the activities of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property.

Read the traditional marriage blog at:

The American TFP

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