Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Miraculous Pilgrim Fatima statue weeps on July 14, 1972, with a urgent message for us in America


On this very day, in 1972, the international Pilgrim Virgin Statue Our Lady of Fatima cried in New Orleans ...

... 1 month before the first Southern Decadence, the annual homosexual pride event held in New Orleans, and 6 months before Roe v Wade when abortion was legalized.


Her tears are a maternal warning, an urgent call to conversion to avoid chastisement.

To help America convert, you are invited to become a rally captain in the 2011 Public Square Rosary Crusade on Saturday, October 15, at noon local time.

When you say YES! a red rose is taken to the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal and placed there in your name and in your intentions.

Become a rally captain by going here:

See, we're literally begging God, through the power of the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to save our country. Because the Rosary saved Austria in 1955 from Communism, and can save America too!

Last year, we had 5,963 rallies in cities all across the country. This year, our goal is to have 7,000 rallies!

So far this year, 2,892 people have already said YES! in becoming a rally captain. Which is much easier than you think.

Basically, a rally is you and your friends praying the Rosary and holding a banner in a public place.

It's that simple!

But when tens of thousands of people pray all on the same day and at the same time, it becomes all that much more powerful.

And we will send you a free rosary rally banner and training manual, just as soon as you sign up.

Finally, there's a special website set up with materials and ideas to help you do the very best rally for Our Lady.

Besides free downloads, there is a map on the website that shows where each of the 7,000 rosary rallies are located, so people can find and join the rally closest to them.
Yes, sadly, Our Lady's tears were rejected by many.

But you can accept Our Lady of Fatima and dry Her tears by becoming a rally captain in the 2011 Public Square Rosary Crusade.

Become a rally captain by going here:

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Until the French Revolution Statue of Liberty in the heart of USA is replaced with the Image of Our Lady of Fatima in the East Coast and Our Lady of Peace in the West Coast, America will always be a a counter-danger to the world as China is a global danger.

    Bernanke hints at more Fed stimulus

    What kind of solution do you expect to debt ceiling crisis?
