Sunday, April 10, 2011

The loss of the sense of the marvelous and the sublime

The sense of things marvelous and sublime fade in the soul to the degree that one becomes attached to earthly things.  (Plinio Correa de Oliveira)

This stained glass window is from Canterbury Cathedral, and is called The Poor Man's Bible window.  Of course, it was built in the Catholic middle ages period, and was not contaminated by the errors of the humanist Renaissance or the Protestant Revolution.

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Stained glass window is from the  Buckfast Abbey, in Devon, England.  It was designed and installed by the monks who built the abbey.  One perceives a modern brutal, almost proletariat sprit in this stained glass window.

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This  stained glass window, in the abstract modern style, from the Catholic Church in Meiningen Germany, is one or more steps removed from the beauty, proportion and radiance of the original stained glass windows of the middle ages.


Last photo by Immanuel Giel.  Permission is granted to use under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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