I Love Mary And Will Always Defend Her Ever-Virginity - PROTEST NOW
Send your Protest message to the Mayor of Oklahoma City.
Here’s why: a Satanist has apparently been granted a permit by the city of Oklahoma City, to perform a public outdoor Satanic desecration of a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The permit allows the Satanist group’s “display” of the statue to pour stage blood on it and cover it in sulfur powder and ash. The Satanist plans to “pray” to the statue. He says “The Virgin birth is a lie.” And the blood is “to add another layer of corruption to Mary, which is an emblem of the Catholic Church.”
Send Your Respectful Protest Message to the Mayor – PROTEST NOW
they are mad without Mary, they are lost. mother intercede for them bey your Son have mercy on them and forgive them.