the city of Doul, in France, lived a young cavalier named Ansaldo. This
gentleman was trained in the arts of horsemanship and battle. As was
common for those in Ansaldo’s line of work, he received a battle wound
from an arrow, which entered so deep into the jaw-bone, that it was not
possible to extract the iron.
four years of suffering in this way, the afflicted man could endure the
pain no longer. His affliction had made him very ill, a shadow of his
former robust self. He thought he would again try to have the iron
extracted. But before doing so, this time he decided to make a bargain
with the Blessed Virgin.
From his sick bed, Ansaldo implored the Mother of God to heal his jaw and restore his health to him. In exchange for this great grace, he vowed to visit a sacred image of her in the city of Doul every year, and make an offering of a certain sum of money upon her altar if she granted this request.
He had no sooner made the vow than the iron, without being touched, fell out of his jaw and into his mouth.
The next day, ill as he was, he went to visit the sacred image. With a great deal of effort, the weakened, but hopeful man placed the promised gift upon the altar.
Immediately, he felt himself entirely restored to health.
Amazed by the quick maternal response of Mary Most Holy, Andsaldo never forgot his vow and returned every year to honor his part of their bargain.
From the Glories of Mary, by St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.

From his sick bed, Ansaldo implored the Mother of God to heal his jaw and restore his health to him. In exchange for this great grace, he vowed to visit a sacred image of her in the city of Doul every year, and make an offering of a certain sum of money upon her altar if she granted this request.
He had no sooner made the vow than the iron, without being touched, fell out of his jaw and into his mouth.
The next day, ill as he was, he went to visit the sacred image. With a great deal of effort, the weakened, but hopeful man placed the promised gift upon the altar.
Immediately, he felt himself entirely restored to health.
Amazed by the quick maternal response of Mary Most Holy, Andsaldo never forgot his vow and returned every year to honor his part of their bargain.
From the Glories of Mary, by St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.
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