Thursday, March 15, 2012

Obscenity is a blasphemous and immoral art exhibit that mocks Our Lord in the Eucharist, Mary, Jesus, priests and nuns

Please Send Your Immediate E-protest

Please read with caution. Very disturbing.

Obscenity, an art exhibit by homosexual artist Bruce LaBruce, features impure insults directed at the Blessed Sacrament because “hosts” are used in combination with nudity of “nuns” and “priests”.

According to the press reports that I was able to view, the blasphemous art exhibit shows:

  • “…A bare-breasted nun on her knees, her eyes and [deleted-Ed.] covered by communion wafers.”1
  • “…she hugs a tattooed Christ to her breast in a kinky tribute to Michelangelo’s “Pieta” sculpture.”2
  • “…Priest with his black robe gathered up to his waist, revealing red spiked heels and his [deleted- Ed.].”3
  • “…a singer well known in Spain, dressed as a sexy saint in black with a communion wafer on her tongue.”4

Send your e-protest message to La Fresh Gallery

Te conservative organization called Make Yourself Heard described the exhibit as at the La Fresh Gallery in Madrid, Spain:

“Gay-looking angels encouraging lechery, lascivious nuns posing in underwear, reveling with crucifixes or cradling a tattooed Christ between their breasts… this is the new content of the provocative exhibition Obscenity.”5

    The same actress who posed in the just described mock Pieta, Rossy de Palma, said: "We grew up with all that [expletive] and we can do what we want with it.”6

So, after impurely and blasphemously mocking Our Lady in the Pieta pose, she dressed up in “a black and white [nun’s] habit and see-through corset with a rosary between her teeth.”7
Send your e-protest message to La Fresh Gallery

     LaBruce told the Daily Brew that he sees this exhibit as “a most holy convergence of the sacred and the profane” and an "attempt to refine and redefine the nature of fetish and the taboo."8

     To another he said that “The main symbol of the show is the hostia [Host].”9

     Please, don’t fail to protest this wretched display.

     And please pray to and make acts of reparation to Our Lady of Fatima because Her message, Her purity, and Her humility is truly the only solution for our times.

     And thank you for supporting the cause of Our Lady in this Valley of Tears!

Other Contact Information:
La Fresh Gallery
Conde de Aranda, 5
Tel: +34 914 315 151

1: website called Toronto
2: website called The Raw Story
3: website called Toronto
4: website called The Great One’s Blog
5: website called The Raw Story
6: website called Vice
7: website called The Raw Story
8: website called Daily Brew
9: website called Vice

1 comment:

  1. Sent this:
    Pathetically ordinary
    There is nothing 'fresh' about this gallery, as there is nothing fresh about souls such as these found in hell.. abusing the Christ, with no respect to Him as a man or God, and even less respect for those 'children' who love Him so much
    obviously from the 27,300 views, only 22 sick people 'liked' this.. take a hint...
    As usual, a cheap shot to get some attention, the only thing right about the exhibit,
    is the word "Obscenity", which means nothing to the 'exhibitionist' and 'exhibitor' alike
    like I said.. not 'fresh' (hence NOT art).. quite ordinary and sadly boring..
