Monday, March 2, 2009

Message of Hope: Rally Captain in Cincinnati Keeps Rosary Banner Posted Year Round


TFP banner 08

A few weeks ago I was going to send you an updated picture of the rally banner from the October Fatima Vigil. 

The banner was still proudly flying from our home, but just as I was getting ready to send an update picture with a snow-covered roofline in the background, 60+ mile an hour winds whipped through the state for the second time in six months and tore the banner to the extent that we had to take it down. 

TFP banner1

The banner proudly displayed a message of hope, of turning to God, instead of relying on our feeble efforts to try to solve our many problems in America and in the world. 

With people’s lives in shambles, their fortunes lost, their jobs on the line, and their houses being foreclosed, we as a people hardened our hearts even more to the message of God, just as the Pharaoh did at the time of Exodus.  Despite the warnings we would not listen.

With the promise of spring just around the corner and the Lenten season just getting under way, perhaps as a people we will turn to God before it is too late, before the floodwaters of our ravaged moral decay set the stage for a new world order based on a false hope and a false message, a message without God.

P.A. -- Cincinnati

1 comment:

  1. You will always be prayed for by me a
    rally captain and all the people you have helped.
    God Be With You,
    Richard. Desert Hot Springs. St Elizabeth.CA.USA
    Home Phone 760-329-1714
